How Congress Works Part I
Who’s in Congress?
Demographic Profile of the 111th Congress Age Groups Source: Source: Party Gender Ethnicity
House-Senate Differences House House 435 members; 2 yr terms 435 members; 2 yr terms Population Based Population Based All elected every 2 years All elected every 2 years Focus on the constituents in their district Focus on the constituents in their district At least 25 years old At least 25 years old Citizen for 7 years Citizen for 7 years *Both must live in state they represent Senate 100 members; 6 yr terms Equal Representation 1/3 elected every 2 years Focus on their state as a whole At least 30 years old Citizen for 9 years
Powers of Congress: Article 1.8 Legislative Powers Collect Taxes and Borrow Money Collect Taxes and Borrow Money Regulate Trade with foreign nations and among states Regulate Trade with foreign nations and among states Make laws about naturalization Make laws about naturalization Coin money and set a standard of weights and measures Coin money and set a standard of weights and measures Establish Post offices and highways Establish Post offices and highways Declare war/Maintain Army Declare war/Maintain Army Non-legislative Powers Elect a President (House) and a VP (Senate) of no one gets a majority in the EC Confirm appointments and treaties made by the President (Senate) Propose Amendments Call Conventions Admit new states Impeachment-Bring charges (House), Try the case (Senate)
Powers Denied to Congress: Article 1.9 Congress’s Power is limited by the system of Checks and Balances Congress’s Power is limited by the system of Checks and Balances President has veto power of laws and Pocket Veto President has veto power of laws and Pocket Veto Pocket Veto: President can keep a bill for 10 days without signing it, if Congress ends its session during this time the bill will not become a law Pocket Veto: President can keep a bill for 10 days without signing it, if Congress ends its session during this time the bill will not become a law Judicial Branch can declare laws unconstitutional Judicial Branch can declare laws unconstitutional Specific Limited Powers Include: Habeas Corpus- you can not be held in jail without a charge, brought before a judge NO Ex Post Facto Laws- A law that makes an action illegal after it was done NO Bills of Attainder- A law that convicts a person without a trial
HOUSE LEADERSHIP Speaker of the House: Most powerful-presides over sessions, decides who speaks, assigns members and bills to committees Speaker selected from and by the majority party Majority/Minority Floor Leader: Guide bills through Congress Majority/Minority Whip: Assistant Floor Leader Persuade members to support the party’s positions Speaker of the House John Boehner John Boehner (R-Ohio ) Minority Party Leader Nancy Pelosi Nancy Pelosi (D-CA )
SENATE LEADERSHIP President of the Senate Vice President of the US presides over the Senate President Pro Tempore Member of the Majority or minority party that is chosen to preside when the VP is absent Majority/Minority Leader Serves the same role as in the house Majority/Minority Whip Serves the same role as in the house President Pro Tem Robert Byrd (D-WV) President of the Senate Joe Biden (D-DE)
"Congress in session is Congress on public exhibition, whilst Congress in its committee- rooms is Congress at work.” - Woodrow Wilson
Legislative Committees: Function & Purpose 1. Consider bills (a.k.a. “mark-up” bills) 2. Maintain oversight of executive agencies 3. Conduct investigations
Types of Committees Standing Committees - permanent panel with full legislative functions and oversight responsibilities Subcommittees – formed to tackle very specific tasks within the jurisdiction of the full committees Select or Special Committees - groups appointed for a limited purpose and limited duration Joint Committees - includes members of both chambers to conduct studies or perform housekeeping tasks Conference Committee - includes members of House & Senate to work out differences between similar bills
House Standing Committees Agriculture Appropriations Armed Services Budget Education & Workforce Energy & Commerce Financial Services Government Reform House Admin. International Relations Judiciary Resources Rules Science Small Business Standards of Official Conduct Transportation & Infrastructure Veterans Affairs Ways & Means
Senate Standing Committees Agriculture, Nutrition, & Forestry Appropriations Armed Services Banking, Housing, & Urban Affairs Budget Commerce, Science, Transportation Energy & Natural Resources Environment and Public Works Finance Foreign Relations Governmental Affairs Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Judiciary Rules and Administration Small Business and Entrepreneurship Veterans Affairs
Special, Select Committees House Select Committee on Energy Independence & Global Warming Senate Select Committee on Ethics House & Senate Select Committees on Intelligence Gen. Michael Hayden is sworn in during a full committee hearing of the Senate Select Intelligence Committee on his nomination to be director of the Central Intelligence Agency.
Joint Committees Joint Economic Committee Joint Committee on Printing Joint Committee on Taxation Joint Committee on Taxation hearing
Title: ResolutionArtist: Bob Gorrell Date: 12/28/06Source: