AP Gov’t UNIT VI “Mile-a-Minute Mini Lecture” THE LEGISLATIVE BRANCH
Chapter 12: Congress I. The Representatives and Senators pg. 354 A. The Job B. The Members of Congress II. Congressional Elections pg. 357 A. Who Wins Elections? Senators v. Reps. B. The Advantages of Incumbents “WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT CONGRESSIONAL ELECTIONS” = you need this handout! Advertizing Credit-claiming through casework & pork barrel Position-taking Weak opponents
Chapter 12: Congress C. The Role of Party Identification D. Defeating Incumbents Scandal / redistricting / political tidal wave E. Money in Congressional Elections: PAC’s & incumbents F. Stability and Change Time for term limits?
Chapter 12: Congress III. How Congress is Organized to Make Policy pg. 364 “WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT LAWMAKING” = you need this handout! A. American Bicameralism “WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE HOUSE & THE SENATE” = you need this handout! Senate: treaties, confirmations, trying impeached officials, filibuster & cloture House: starts revenue bills B. Congressional Leadership Speaker of the House, VP, Senate Majority Leader, House Majority Leader, House & Senate Minority Leaders & Whips
Chapter 12: Congress C. The Committees and Subcommittees Standing Committees / Conference Committees / Select Committees Marked up bills & legislative oversight = work of the committee Seniority rule & the power of the chairperson D. Caucuses: The Informal Organization of Congress Internal interest groups E. Congressional Staff DC & district staff & staff for each committee General Accounting Office Congressional Budget Office
HOUSE Standing CommitteesSENATE Standing Committees AgricultureAgriculture, Nutrition & Forestry Appropriations: portions out the $ to fund authorized programs Banking & Financial ServicesArmed Services BudgetBanking, Housing, & Urban Affairs CommerceBudget Economic & Educational OpportunitiesCommerce, Science & Transportation Government Reform & OversightEnergy & Natural Resources House OversightEnvironment & Public Works International Relations Finance: Write the Tax Codes JudiciaryForeign Relations National SecurityGovernmental Affairs ResourcesIndian Affairs Rules: manages schedule of bills. Can speed, delay or prevent action on a bill. Judiciary: Reviews the president’s nominees for the federal courts ScienceLabor & Human Resources Small BusinessRules & Administration Standards of Office ConductSmall Business Transportation & InfrastructureVeterans’ Affairs Ways & Means: Write the Tax Codes
Chapter 12: Congress IV. The Congressional Process pg. 378 A. Introduction B. Presidents and Congress: Partners and Protagonists C. Party, Constituency, and Ideology Trustee v. informed delegate D. Lobbyists and Interest Groups V. Understanding Congress pg. 383 A. Congress and Democracy B. Reforming Congress: exceptions to seniority rule C. Congress and the Scope of Government
Chapter 14: Congress, the President & the Politics of Taxing & Spending I. Introduction pg. 434 Burdens (taxes) v. benefits (expenditures) II. Sources of Federal Revenue pg. 437 A. Income Tax – 16 th Amendment B. Social Insurance Taxes Paid by employees & employers into the Social Security Trust Fund C. Borrowing Bonds – 11% of budget = interest D. Taxes and Public Policy Tax loophole v. tax expenditure v. tax reform
Figure 14.1
Chapter 14: Congress, the President & the Politics of Taxing & Spending III. Federal Expenditures pg. 444 A. Big Governments, Big Budgets B. The Rise and Decline of the National Security State C. The Rise of the Social Service State D. Why is the federal budget so hard to control? Incrementalism “Uncontrollable” Expenditures: entitlements A.K.A. Mandatory v. discretionary spending
Figure 14.3
Chapter 14: Congress, the President & the Politics of Taxing & Spending IV. The Budgetary Process pg. 452 A. Budgetary Politics Prez & OMB Congress & CBO Interest Groups & Agencies Congressional Committees & GAO B. The President’s Budget
Chapter 14: Congress, the President & the Politics of Taxing & Spending C. Congress and the Budget: Congressional Budget & Impoundment Control Act of 1974 Timeline & Budget Resolution Authorization v. appropriations bills Continuing Resolutions V. Understanding Budgeting pg. 460 A. Democracy and Budgeting Politicians can “spend” money to “buy” votes B. The Budget and the Scope of Government Voters want low taxes, a balanced budget & generous social welfare programs = big deficits!