2015 FOUNDATION BASICS Juanita Cawley, District Rotary Foundation Chair September 12, 2015
2015 Starting with your WHY is a practice. Keep it in front. Simon Sinek STARTING WITH WHY
2015 Rotary International (RI) – Founded 1905 Motto: Service Above Self Mission Statement: The Mission of Rotary International is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders. RI MISSION
2015 The Rotary Foundation (TRF) – Founded 1917 Motto: Doing Good in the World Mission Statement: The Mission of The Rotary Foundation is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty. TRF MISSION
2015 Peace and conflict prevention/resolution Disease prevention and treatment Water and sanitation Maternal and child health Basic education and literacy Economic and community development AREAS OF FOCUS
2015 ANNUAL GRANT QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS Attend a Grant Management Seminar Sign & Adhere to Club Memorandum of Understanding. Be current in reporting on all existing Global Grants Agree to & Submit the Signed Club Memorandum of Understanding Addendum
2015 A single block grant awarded annually for club and district projects Local or international activities Local decision making with broader guidelines Smaller activities and projects FEATURES OF A DISTRICT GRANT
2015 Include active Rotarian participation Adhere to stewardship guidelines Demonstrate cultural sensitivity Align with the Foundation’s mission DISTRICT GRANT ACTIVITIES
2015 Align with an area of focus Have measurable results Respond to a community need Include active community and Rotarian participation Strengthen knowledge, skills, resources Have long-term, sustainable benefits Have a budget of at least $30,000 GLOBAL GRANTS
2015 Community participation Materials and technology Funding Knowledge Motivation Evaluation BUILDING SUSTAINABLE PROJECTS
2015 PROJECT PLANNING Lifecycle of a Service Project webinar series
2015 Stewardship is the responsible management and oversight of grant funds, which ensures that funds are used properly and benefit populations in need. STEWARDSHIP
2015 Scholarships can be funded by Global grants District grants SCHOLARSHIPS
2015 Graduate level Study periods of 1-4 years Alignment with the areas of focus o Previous work, volunteer, and study experience o Academic program o Future career plans (immediate and long-range) Host and international sponsors $30,000 minimum budget GLOBAL GRANT SCHOLARSHIPS
2015 More flexible in terms of: Level of study (secondary, university, or graduate studies or certificate programs) Location (local or international) Length Field of study Cost Managed by district DISTRICT GRANT SCHOLARSHIPS
2015 VOCATIONAL TRAINING TEAMS Traveling groups of professionals: Learn about their vocation Teach professionals about a particular field Strengthen knowledge and skills
2015 Rotary Peace Centers offer master’s degrees or professional development certificates in fields related to peace studies and conflict resolution. ROTARY PEACE CENTERS Why Peace? Peace and prosperity are inseparable. When one is absent, the other is at risk. Violence, conflict and war rob people of the chance to improve their lives through hard work. And when a society struggles with poverty and unemployment, it sets the stage for unrest.
2015 Interact Rotaract Rotary Youth Exchange New Generations Service Exchange Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) Rotary Peace Fellowships Rotary Scholarships (global grants and district grants) ALUMNI Vocational training teams (members and leaders) Ambassadorial Scholarships Grants for University Teachers Group Study Exchange (members and leaders) Rotary Volunteers
2015 Encourage alumni to maintain a lifelong relationship with Rotary: Service project participation Rotary club membership Rotaract club membership Alumni association activities Contributions to the Foundation ROTARY ALUMNI
2015 SUPPORTING THE ROTARY FOUNDATION Endowment Fund To Secure Tomorrow Annual Fund For Support Today PolioPlus Fund End Polio Now
2015 Primary funding source for Foundation grants and activities Supports local and international grants through the SHARE system Contributions are credited to donor’s club and applied to club’s goal ANNUAL FUND
2015 Contributions are professionally invested Only the earnings are spent ENDOWMENT FUND
2015 The goal is to fully endow the program $150 million by 2017 Focus on major gifts ROTARY PEACE CENTERS MAJOR GIFTS INITIATIVE
2015 EVERY ROTARIAN, EVERY YEAR 100% Member Participation
2015 A person who contributes $1,000 or in whose name $1,000 is contributed PAUL HARRIS FELLOW
2015 Contributes $1,000 each year to the Annual Fund, PolioPlus, or approved grants PAUL HARRIS SOCIETY MEMBER
2015 BEQUEST SOCIETY Provision in estate plan totaling $10,000+ Examples: living will, life insurance policy
2015 MAJOR DONOR Personal outright or cumulative gifts of $10,000+ Cash, life income agreements, bequests, real estate, or securities
2015 ARCH KLUMPH SOCIETY Trustees Circle $250,000+ Chair’s Circle $500,000+ Foundation Circle $1 million+
2015 CLUB RECOGNITION 100% Foundation Giving Club 100% Sustaining Member Club 100% Paul Harris Society Club 100% Members Give to any TRF Fund as of June 30; $100+ Average 100% Members Give to Annual Fund as of June 30; $100+ Minimum 100% Members Give to any TRF Fund except Endowment as of June 30; $1,000+ Minimum
2015 Give to The Rotary Foundation Subscribe to Grants and Giving e-newsletter (Profile page on My Rotary) Subscribe to Visions e-newsletter (Profile page on My Rotary) Learn more at rotary.org (My Rotary) TAKE ACTION
2015 LEARN MORE Visit The Learning Center at ①Rotary Foundation Basics ②Rotary’s Areas of Focus ③Rotary Grants: Building A Global Grant ④Rotary Club Central Resources
2015 Questions? OR Juanita Cawley, District Rotary Foundation Chair (H)