Nuclear Vocabulary and Concepts
Measuring Destructive Power Quantified in tons of TNT Hiroshima/Nagasaki 14/20 kilotons 14,000/20,000 tons of TNT Hydrogen bombs (thermonuclear) Megatonsmillions of tons of TNT
Deterrence Deterrence: stopping something from happening through psychological persuasion, often through the threat of harm –MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) The United States does not attack for fear that the Soviet Union will attack right back Paradox: The inverse relationship between the USAs and the USSRs ability to destroy each other and the likelihood of war between the 2 superpowers
DEFENSE Defense: a physical act that occurs only after offense (attack) has begun –ABM defense systems? Damage Limitation is a defensive theory –Blast and fallout shelters –Measures to secure major infrastructure and industry –Offensive weapons capable of targeting other weapons
Finite Deterrence Finite Deterrence: When do we stop stockpiling nukes? FD: Until it is possible to inflict unacceptable damage McNamara says for USSR –20-30% of population –50% of industrial capacity Morbid calculationsonly becomes possible due to psychological distance
2008 What do we need in the current world order? –Conventional Warfare? Tanks, guns and ammo, troops –Nuclear Warfare? Bombs, missiles, ABM defensive systems, bunker buster: nuclear weapons. –Warfare by other means? Humanitarian aid Education To which of the above would you devote your resources?