Vision and Values: From Individual Fluency to Organizational Coherence Facilitators: Dan Schwab and Evans Kerrigan
Examine the role of the leader in creating intentional culture Explore bringing “Big V” vision down to teams and individuals in an organization Highlight the integration of personal and organizational values Provide practical tools for creating a healthy organizational culture Our Agenda Today
Who is Integris? Enterprise Alignment Continuous Improvement Customer-Focused Purpose Cultural Enablers
Culture Dimension: Building a Solid Foundation for the healthy organization to flourish...
“A group of norms, behaviors and underlying shared values that help keep those norms in place. “ -John Kotter, Author of Leading Change What is Culture?
Explore Advocate Model Defend What is the Leader’s Role?
Explore Advocate Model Defend What is the Leader’s Role?
Core Questions Who are we? Where are we going?
What is Vision?
Dream Apparition Possibility Image Visualization Prophecy Direction.... What is Vision?
Result Work Plan Strategy Vision Mission Culture
Vision & Mission Statement
Our purpose and reason for being Answers the question: Why are we here? “Mission” defined
To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. --Google Mission statements
An image of a positive future we seek to create Answers the question: What do we want the future to look like? “Vision” defined
Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge. That's our commitment. --Wikipedia Vision statements
A Vision Is An ideal and unique image of the future for the common good
BIG “V”ision little “v”ision... this is where most of us work Inspire a Shared Vision
“Nesting” vision OrganizationDepartmentTeam
I talk about future trends that will influence how our work gets done Visionary behavior
Your own research Practicing Outsight Staff meetings Individual assignments Future trends
I paint the “big picture” of what we aspire to accomplish Visionary behavior
Define the “v’s” Cultivate a vision “lens” Practice Paint the big picture
I show others how their long term interests can be realized by enlisting in a common vision Visionary behavior
Know your people Articulate the destination Make it an adventure The Interests of Others
Common interest
“So, Jim, where do you see yourself in ten minutes?”
Explore Advocate Model Defend What is the Leader’s Role?
Personal & Organizational Values What intentions do you have for your culture?
Designed and facilitated by Tom Pearce & Renee Harness, The Leadership Challenge®, Copyright ©2013 by James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner. Published by Wiley, All Rights Reserved. Personal Values What really matters to me? What do I really care about?
Use the list of values in the handout. Identify the top 7 most important values for you From your list of 7, select your top three values These represent what you stand for, your personal “bottom line” Share 1 of your top values with your table What does that value mean to you? Why is that value near the top of your list? Activity - Defining Your Values
How do you live your values? How do you let your values guide you in making tough decisions? Questions To Ponder
The Role of the Leader in Intentional Culture
42 Organizational Values Taking the Values exercise to a new level
Designed and facilitated by Tom Pearce & Renee Harness, The Leadership Challenge®, Copyright ©2013 by James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner. Published by Wiley, All Rights Reserved. Organizational Values What needs to matter to all of us? What do we need all of us to really care about?
What Are Organizational Values? Part of an organization’s culture and agreed upon group behavior. Qualities that define an organization’s people, products and/or services. Overarching principles for how employees behave when doing their work, working with co-workers and/or with customers.
Explore Advocate Model Defend What is the Leader’s Role?
Identifying Organizational Values 1.Using the same starting list of values, have each leader identify their top answers to the following question: “What values matter most to our organization?” “What values should drive the decisions our people make?” 2.Facilitate a discussion among the leadership to determine the most critical values for the organization
Example of Organizational Values
Have your organization create definitions around each of the identified values Use “catchball” to socialize the values and to identify potential issues Create Organizational Value Definitions
Stripe the Field
“Culture is created by what is tolerated and promoted” --Dr. Henry Cloud What is tolerated in your organization?
Explore Advocate Model Defend What is the Leader’s Role?
Organizational Values: Southwest We operate with a Warrior Spirit, a Servant’s Heart, and a Fun-LUVing Attitude.
Explore Advocate Model Defend What is the Leader’s Role?
How do employees breathe the values? How do leaders reinforce the values? Intentional Culture
“ Being a leader means taking responsibility for what actually happens in the world. ” – Marc Roberts, Professor, MIT