Findi ng your way in H202 0 for Instit ution s Rese arche rs 1 Finding your way in European Research Funding Mischa Peters – Grant Office REBO Sunday,


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Presentation transcript:

Findi ng your way in H202 0 for Instit ution s Rese arche rs 1 Finding your way in European Research Funding Mischa Peters – Grant Office REBO Sunday, 11 October 2015

European Research Funding: a broad range of possibilities Sunday, 11 October 2015 Finding your way in European Research Funding 2 Grant Office REBO EU funding is complex, since there are many different types of programmes managed by different bodies, covering areas such as: education health consumer protection environmental protection humanitarian aid. research

Two main types of funding Grants for specific projects, usually following a public announcement known as a 'call for proposals'. Public contracts to buy services, goods or works to ensure the operations of EU institutions or programmes. Contracts are awarded through calls for tenders (public procurement) and cover a range of areas: studies, technical assistance and training; consultancy, conference organisation, etc. Sunday, 11 October 2015 Finding your way in European Research Funding 3

POLICY CONTEXT & OBJECTIVES EUROPE 2020 TARGETS - Strategy for Growth & Jobs 1.Employment: 75% of year-olds employed 2.R&D / Innovation: investment of 3% EU’s GDP 3.Climate Change & Energy: 20% less emissions, 20% more energy efficiency and 20% of energy renewable 4.Education: school drop-outs below 10% and at least 40% year-olds completing third-level education 5.Poverty/ Social exclusion: at least 20 mln fewer people in or at risk of poverty and social exclusion HORIZON 2020 STRATEGIC AGENDA Personalising Health & Care Overcoming the crisis Energy Efficiency Waste Blue Growth Mobility Sustainable Food Security Smart cities & communities Societal Challenges Health & Demography Food & Agro Energy Transport Climate, Resource efficiency & Raw materials Inclusive, innovative, reflective societies Secure societies Industrial Leadership ICT Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Biotechnology, Advanced manufacturing, Processing Space Innovation in SMEs Access to Risk Finance Excellence ERC Marie Sklodowska Curie Future & Emerging Technologies (FET) Research Infrastructures STRUCTURE HORIZON 2020 Water innovation Disaster resilience Low carbon energy Digital Security Funding priorities (further elaborated in work programmes) Approx. 31.7% Approx. 22.1% Approx. 39.1% HORIZON 2020 – 70,2 bn euro EU financial instrument to realise these policy objectives HORIZON 2020 – 70,2 bn euro EU financial instrument to realise these policy objectives

Sunday, 11 October 2015 Finding your way in European Research Funding 5 Research Funding Days 2013

How do I find the right funding for my research?? a couple of questions might guide you: 1.Is you research curiosity driven, very scientific and ground- breaking? Does it include research projects for a number of post- docs and PhD-students? If yes: ERC individual grants.ERC individual grants Sunday, 11 October 2015 Finding your way in European Research Funding 6

2.Are you looking for training or expertise which you cannot get at your current institute but which is available at an institute abroad? Do you know a post-doc who would want to spent some time in Utrecht to get additional training or gain additional expertise? If yes: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSC) Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSC) 3.Does your research need large, expensive infrastructures (including big databases) If yes: research infrastructures research infrastructures 4.Is your idea so out of the box and a little bit controversial that you are unsure whether anybody would be interested in funding it? If yes: Future and Emerging Technologies (FET):Future and Emerging Technologies (FET): Sunday, 11 October 2015 Finding your way in European Research Funding 7

5.Is there a European dimension to your research? Or does your research provide answers to some societal question? Do you have a European consortium, or could you create or find a European Consortium, to collaborate with? If yes: work programmes from pillar three: the grand societal programmes Sunday, 11 October 2015 Finding your way in European Research Funding 8

Finding your way in the working programmes 1.Check the call topicscall topics 2.Check the call textscall texts Specific challenge Scope Expected impact Type of action –The research you want to do needs to be the answer to (almost) all the issues mentioned here Example: Energy Efficiency - Market UptakeEnergy Efficiency - Market Uptake Sunday, 11 October 2015 Finding your way in European Research Funding 9 Research Funding Days 2013

What do you need to know? The funding scheme for most types of funding (except Marie Curie) is 100% funding for the direct cost (staff and other costs) and 25% overhead. The work programmes are valid for two years so check the call deadline for the topic you are interested in. Some will only open in 2015 (which gives you plenty of time to prepare)! You participate on behalf of Utrecht University – make sure you follow the right procedure Sunday, 11 October 2015 Finding your way in European Research Funding 10

What can you do to increase your changes Register as an expert If you register as an expert you have a chance of being selected to assist in the:register as an expert evaluation of proposals monitoring of actions preparation, implementation or evaluation of programmes and design of policies. Do some background research Check what the most recently funded projects on the topic are.funded projects Check your academic network If you want to participate in a European project but do not want to coordinate yourself you will need to find a consortium. Ask around in your academic network to see whether any of your colleagues has plans to start a project. Sunday, 11 October 2015 Finding your way in European Research Funding 11

Useful documents that might help you Sunday, 11 October 2015 Finding your way in European Research Funding 12 Research Funding Days 2013 REBO guide: Finding your way in H2020Finding your way in H2020 Official EU information: H2020 online manualH2020 online manual Opportunities for Researchers from the Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH) Opportunities for Researchers from the Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH)

What can the Grant Office do for you? Preparation phase: Made-to-measure advise Application phase: Support with Budget Management Structure Consortium selection Help with technical issues such as: Gantt chart, Pert chart Application tool Getting all the forms from all your partners Project phase: Legal Issues: Grant agreement Consortium agreement Project Management: Overseeing workflow, scheduling, meetings Preparation of reporting Financial Administration Sunday, 11 October 2015 Finding your way in European Research Funding 13