Return and Risk for Capital Market Securities
Rate of Return Concepts Dollar return Number of $ received over a period (one year, say) Sum of cash distributed plus capital gain (loss) Percentage return Dollar return/(beginning-of-period value) % cash distribution + % capital gain Real vs. Nominal return Real % return, r, related to nominal % return, R, by: 1+R = (1+r)(1+h)
Standard Deviation as a Measure of Risk Variance and standard deviation give equal weight to observations above & below mean These make sense as risk measures if the return distribution is symmetrical
Investor Portfolio Choices: Risk and Return How does holding securities in portfolios affect the risk-return combinations available to investors? When and why does it pay to diversify across securities?
Return Distributions Expected Return and Standard Deviation for stocks and portfolios with S possible scenarios
Portfolio Return and Variance What’s the relationship between portfolio variance and variances of individual securities?
Covariance Covariance measures the extent to which two securities’ returns tend to vary together
Correlation Correlation is a “standardized” measure of covariance AB varies between -1 (perfect negative correlation and +1 (perfect positive correlation)
Portfolio Variance and Correlation (2 Securities)
When Does Diversification Pay? a)Combine two securities with the lowest possible return correlation b)Combine large numbers of identical securities whose returns are less than perfectly correlated
a) Diversifying with 2 Securities With perfect positive correlation, combining securities does not improve the risk-return possibilities (opportunity set) The lower the correlation, the more the opportunity set improves With perfect negative correlation, we can eliminate risk altogether
b) Diversifying Across Many, Identical Securities Diversification can eliminate “unsystematic” risk Systematic risk stems from the common thread running through all securities’ returns and cannot be diversified away
Diversification and the Reward for Risk Total Risk = Systematic Risk + Unsystematic Risk Well diversified portfolios should contain almost entirely systematic risk Investors shouldn’t expect a reward for bearing unsystematic risk, since that can be eliminated (fairly cheaply) through diversification
Measuring Systematic Risk Suppose the return on Security i at time t takes the form: Expected Return “Surprise” Return
Measuring Systematic Risk Using Regression Suppose we regress returns on Security i against the returns on the market portfolio The regression error term represents it, the “surprise” return component The slope coefficient, it, represents the extent to which i moves with the market R 2 = % total risk that is systematic (1-R 2 = % unsystematic)
Properties of Beta From the properties of linear regression, we can say about beta:
Beta Estimates (Table 11.5) (updated from CompanyBeta McGraw-Hill0.89 MMM0.82 McDonald’s1.12 Bed, Bath & Beyond1.46 Home Depot1.01 Dell1.13 eBay3.90 Computer Associates (CA)1.86
Portfolio Beta Portfolio beta is the weighted average of the individual security betas Since M = 1, the average beta of all securities is equal to 1
The Security Market Line All securities should plot along the same security market line If they didn’t, investors would shun one security in favor of another
Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) Since the market portfolio should also plot along the security market line, for any security i:
Interpreting CAPM Pure time value Reward for bearing systematic risk