Avery J and Rachel K
* population * temperature * emissions What factors do you think affect our air quality?
* we choose this topic because of mutual interest and the growing global concern for the environment * we predict that as population, temperature, and emissions increase, the particle matter in our air will rise
* Do the amount of people living in a concentrated area have a greater affect on the air compared to if they were spread out? * Does our air quality depend on more natural or unnatural sources? * Does temperature/climate affect the air quality? * Has air quality worsened with the rise of industrialism and greenhouse gases?
* The interpolation we made was that in 2000 there would be 708 megatons on emissions but after using linear regression, the amount totaled 705 megatons. * The extrapolation we wanted to know was the total TPM in We estimated for 2015, about 19.8 million tons of TPM will be emitted.
* what’s really in our air?
* quantitative * discrete * strong correlation * r2 value of
* quantitative * continuous * weak correlation * r2 value of
* quantitative * continuous * strong correlation * r2 value of
* strong positive correlation * air quality decreases as more emissions are released resulting in more particles in the air * emissions cause the air quality to decrease so a strong positive correlation was expected * cause and effect relationship
* weak negative correlation * as the temperature increases our air quality decreases * not enough sufficient data to identify a strong trend * cause and effect relationship
* strong positive correlation * population increases particle matter increases due to increase in human area * strongest correlation, we determined that population affects air quality the most so expect to see poor air quality in countries with a large, densely packed population * common-cause factor
* Air Quality (mean) ≈ 15,603,127 tons of TPM * Air Quality (median) = 14,911,795 tons of TPM * Air Quality (standard deviation) 2,065,704 tons of TPM * Air Quality (variance) 4,267,131,872,960 tons of TPM * Air Quality (IQR) 3,959,673 tons of TPM * Air Quality (mean) ≈ 1,885,280 tons of TPM * Air Quality (median) ≈ 1,895,299 tons of TPM * Air Quality (standard deviation) 273,910 tons of TM * Air Quality (variance) 75,026,688,100 tons of TPM * Air Quality (IQR) 277,770 tons of TPM
* Our main topic question asked what factors affected air quality, and after analyzing the data given, we came to the conclusion that population and greenhouse gas emissions were factors that strongly impacted air quality. * We found that a dense population will have worse air quality than a country with a small, spread out population. * Air quality is affected most by human interference. Unfortunately, the data we found for temperature were not reliable statistics, therefore it was hard to find any correlation. * Greenhouse gases have a very strong affect on air quality, and both have increased at a steady pace over the years due to industrialism. * We predicted that population, temperature and greenhouse gas emissions would affect air quality, and only temperature didn’t. * Looking back, all factors (with the exception of temperature) increased due to a common-cause factor of expansion of Canadian urban areas. * One bias that came up during our study was when comparing our data for Canadian air quality to that of the United States * If we want to improve air quality, then we must limit the amount of greenhouse gases we are emitting into the atmosphere. As well, we have deepened our understanding of statistics concepts and shown how they can be applied in the real world.