Enhancing Programs for IT Certification (EPIC) Timeline and Deliverables
GRANT STRATEGIES Strategy 1 Improve access to online competency-based IT credential and degree pathways by enhancing and scaling Kentucky’s online program. Strategy 2 Implement comprehensive intake systems, contextualized, online developmental education, and online success skills training to ensure students are prepared to succeed in academic courses. Strategy 3 Develop high-demand stacked and latticed credential and degree pathways validated by local and national businesses employing IT professionals and systems to individually track students. Strategy 4 Create a suite of workforce strategies – virtual internships, work-readiness training, and apprenticeships – to ensure students transition effectively to both traditional and telecommuting jobs.
STRATEGY 1: IMPROVE ACCESS TO IT CREDENTIALS 1. Organize and implement project start-up activities Meeting schedule/timeline Fast-start Institute WELC Membership 2. Identify, attend, and offer PD, training, and meetings Training schedule/timeline/outline Project presentations To be completed by May 1, 2015 Ongoing through September 2018
STRATEGY 1: IMPROVE ACCESS TO IT CREDENTIALS 3. Develop and offer accelerated flexible online CBE courses and programs. Job profile 55 CBE courses, modules, and programs 4. Collaborate/gather information with/from previously-funded TAACCCT projects Best practices list 5. Evaluate effectiveness of the project through external and third party evaluators Scorecard/ External Evaluator report Third party review report of deliverables To be completed by July 1, 2016 Ongoing through April 2017 To be completed by September 2018
STRATEGY 2: IMPLEMENT COMPREHENSIVE INTAKE SYSTEMS 1. Design a comprehensive intake/outreach process. Outreach (intake) plan/process/materials LoD aptitude/inventory assessment (personal interest) Start Tomorrow Online Portal Succeeding Online Module 2. Deliver contextualized, co-requisite LoD delivery of development ed. courses with supplemental instruction in an entry level course. Revised CIT 105 course Updated assessment and placement policy
STRATEGY 3: DEVELOP STACKED AND LATTICED CREDENTIALS 1. Enhance online student support services, resources, and course content. Increased student support/Location Resource Handout/Career Maps for pathways/Data reporting template 2. Develop full career pathways through replicable accelerated online, competency-based, stacked and latticed credentials utilizing LoD CIT/MIT Curriculum/Stacked and latticed accelerated career pathways/ Update LoD website 3. Enhance Prior Learning Assessment Pathways LoD LoD Prior Learning Assessment Pathways To be completed by January 2016 To be completed by January 2017 To be completed by July October 2017
STRATEGY 4: CREATE A SUITE OF WORKFORCE STRATEGIES 1. Collaborate with identified workforce boards and employers to develop workforce readiness/job placement modules. Replicable workforce readiness/job placement modules-Succeed at Work/Job Placer 2. Build partnerships with workforce partners and employers to ensure students enter jobs prepped for success. Establish partnerships/Job profiles/Career Development process 3. Develop and implement work-based learning models Internship/Apprenticeship Model/Implemented To be completed by August 2016 To be completed by September 2017 To be completed by August 2017
PARTICIPANT OUTCOMES Total Participants Served: 712