Computer history By Breanne Larsen
What would you do without a computer? Some of the most popular uses for computers are: – Homework research – Video Gaming – Online Banking – Social Networking
Evolution of Computers The 5 main influences of computer evolution are: – Early Computational Devices Early Computational Devices – Early Computers Early Computers – Generations Generations – Inventors/Developers Inventors/Developers – Internet Internet
Computers today Without all of these people and devices, the World Wide Web wouldn’t be what it is today. Just think, what would you do without the use of a computer?
Early computational devices ARPANET- 1 st network, composed the global internet Abacus- 1 st counting device Mark1- IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator, electro-machanical computer Punched Cards- Rapidly tabulated statistics from millions of pieces of data
Early Comouters ENIAC- 1 st general-purpose computer EDSAC- Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator, 2 nd practical stored-program electronic computer & 1 st to run a graphical computer EDVAC- Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic computer early electronic computer, stored program computer UNIVAC- Universal Automatic Computer, 1 st commercial computer produced in the United States
Early computers cont. 1 st Microcomputer- Computer with microprocessor as its central processing unit Formation of Microsoft- Bill Gates & Paul Allen developed BASIC language software Formation of Apple Computer, Inc.- Started by Steve Jobs and Steven Wozniak
5 computer generations 1 st Generation- Vacuum Tubes ( ) 2 nd Generation- Transistors ( ) 3 rd Generation- Integrated Circuits ( ) 4 th Generation- Microprocessors (1971-Present) 5 th Generation- Artificial Intelligence (Present-Beyond)
Inventors/Developers Steve Jobs- Co-founder of Apple Inc. Steven Wazniak- Co-founder of Apple Inc. Bill Gates- Founded microsoft & is now a chairman Tim Berners-Lee- Inventor of the World Wide Web Marc Andreesen- Co-author of Mosiac Department of Defense- Started ARPANET
inventors/developers cont. Charles Babbage- Father of Computing- Originated the concept of a programable computer. Herman Hollerith- Developed punched cards Blaise Pascal- Invented mechanical computer John von Newman- Helped design EDVAC Eckart & Mauchly- Designed EDVAC Paul Allen- Founded Microsoft
INternet Birth of the Net- The start of everything 1 st Browser- Popularized the Word Wide Web ARPANET- 1 st Network