The New Deal under Franklin Delano Roosevelt
The Toll of the Depression on American Life 25% out of work. (10 million lost their jobs in previous 3 years) Thousands of banks collapsed. Laborers violently clashed w/ business leaders. Even schools closed!
Relief and Hope Many found solace in the entertainment of the day (radio, movies, sports) For long-term relief, they turned to political leaders who would act.
The Pres. Election of 1932 FDR promises “happy days are here again!” b/c of his “new deal” plan. (gov. will take responsib. for the welfare of its citizens.) 1932 – FDR elected in landslide victory over Hoover
The Rise of FDR Political philos. was modeled after core values instilled in him from days of progressives. (obligation to serve the public and compassion for the poor) Recovered from polio, became gov. of New York, gained public trust
Beginning of the New Deal The “First Hundred Days” –“Bank Holiday” and the Emergency Banking Relief Act helped banks get back in business and helped restore public trust in banks –National Industrial Recovery Act started public works projects to create jobs
(cont.) (NIRA) also est. guidelines for fair wages and condit. for workers. - Direct Relief – passed the FERA (Fed. Emerg. Relief Administration). It gave millions to unemployed and impoverished. No long-term fix, though.
AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Act)– to help raise prices of farm goods, it told farmers to destroy their crops in return for $ from the gov. (very controversial b/c many hungry citizens)
(cont.) - The TVA (Tennessee Valley Auth.) built dams along the Tenn. River, creating affordable electricity, new factories and jobs, and it revived rural areas.
Reasons for Early Success 1.Rep. and Dem. were eager to work together to end the G.D. 2.FDR sought advice from a “Brain Trust” – intellectuals and advisers who “knew best.” 3.FDR won the people’s support with his “fireside chats” over the radio, referring to the masses as “friends”.
1.What words would you use to describe FDR’s tone during this fireside chat? 2. What techniques did FDR use to connect with his audience? 3. What do you think FDR’s objectives were in having these fireside chats? 4. Based on this example, do you think he was successful? Why/why not?
Legacy of the New Deal The “Second Hundred Days” = more gov. spending for public works projects, labor protections, Social Security to help elderly, and farm aid. The Supreme Court shoots down (declares unconstitutional) many provisions of the NIRA – the backbone of his economic recovery plan.
Critics of the New Deal Some Af-Americans & other minorities thought he didn’t do enough to help Big business claimed he had “socialist leanings.” –They formed the Amer. Liberty League to fight against “excessive gov. interference in private enterprise” Many criticized his farm programs b/c:
(cont.) –Wasted food could’ve helped the poor. –Crop-reduction policy helped corporate farms but not small farmers. Many thought he wasn’t doing enough. –Huey Long and the Union Party emerged to fight FDR and big business.
(cont.) Overall, the New Deal: Reshaped the role of the presidency. “FDR’s charisma, use of media, long tenure, and firm belief in the power of the fed. gov. led to a centralization of power in the Oval Office.” 1.
(cont.) Role of fed. gov. grew. It had a primary responsibility for caring for the needy. 2. Women = more influential role in gov. Eleanor Roosevelt was very visible and the 1 st woman cabinet members existed under FDR. 3.
Did it work? Partially effective: -unempl. dropped (but still at 15%), business failures decreased (but GNP grew sluggishly), confidence in banks improved, farmers benefited from subsidies
Men working in tunnel, building the Tenn. River Dam
TVA worker with circular saw.
Constructing the temporary warehouse.
CCC boys arrive from Idaho
Issuing camp rules at CCC outpost
CCC workers hauling rock during trail construction
Skyline Drive construction.
Library Book Repair Project in South Carolina