Correlational Studies Naturalistic Observations Case Studies Surveys Looking for Links: Descriptive/Correlational Research
Correlational Studies A correlation exists when two variables are related to each other Does not prove a cause-effect relationship A link between variable X and Y does not prove which variable is causing a change on the other = causation
Correlations can be… Positive Correlation: two variables change together in the same direction Studying 6hours/week in PSY 115 is correlated to a final grade of an A. Lack of sleep is correlated to a lower GPA. Negative Correlation: two variables change in the opposite direction Poor attendance is correlated to low grades
Correlational Coefficient Numerical index of the degree of relationship between two variables (-1.00 to +1.00) A coefficient close to zero = no correlation The closer a number falls to -1 or +1 means the stronger the correlation The closer a number falls to zero means the weaker the correlation
Naturalistic Observations Careful observation of behaviors without intervening directly with the subjects Behavior unfolds naturally in natural environment Advantage: environment is natural, not artificial Disadvantages: difficult for researchers to not be obtrusive and affect behavior, or be able to explain behavior observed
Case Studies In-depth investigation of an individual subject How they are conducted: Interview subject Interview those close to the subject Direct observation Examination of records Psychological testing Advantages: good for certain phenomena (psych disorders), provide real-life illustrations for theories/hypothesis Disadvantages: highly subjective, information knits together impressionist way, easy to see what you want, clinical samples are unrepresentative
Surveys Use of questionnaires/interviews to gather information about aspects of participants background and behavior i.e. taller people = more successful Advantages: easy to use when it is difficult to observe directly, easy to gather large amount of data Disadvantage: depend on self-reporting, poorly worded questions, intentional deception, wishful thinking, memory lapses, cannot prove cause-effect