Planning 3-6 Independent Variable ____________________________ Dependent Variable ____________________________ Control Variable ____________________________ How are you going to control this variable ____________________________ Control Variable ____________________________ How are you going to control this variable ____________________________ Control Variable ____________________________ How are you going to control this variable ____________________________ Control Variable ____________________________ How are you going to control this variable ____________________________ Why did you choose this variable ____________________________ Why did you choose this variable ____________________________
Planning 3-6 HazardHarm o _______________________ High /Low______________________ Step by Step Plan How can I reduce the Hazards: o _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ o _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ o _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ o _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________
What science do I need to do this investigation? __________________________________________________________ Planning 3-6 I think my results will look like this: __________________________________________________________ I think my results will look like this because (use your scientific knowledge: __________________________________________________________ Scientific Knowledge __________________________________________________________
UNITS! Independent variable (what you change) UNITS! UNITS! Dependent variable (what you measure) UNITS! Test 1Test 2Test 3Mean Observing 3-6 : Help Sheet Labelled with the INDEPENDENT VARIABLE and UNITS Y X Labelled with the DEPENDENT VARIABLE and UNITS Table of Results Graph Your teacher will help you with scales, and if you should draw a bar or line graph
Analysis 3- 6 My graph shows that the bigger/smaller_________________________ was the bigger/smaller____________________________________was. On your graph circle any odd (anomalous) results What does your graph show: __________________________________________________________ Do you think your results are any good? __________________________________________________________ What scientific evidence do you have that supports your results? __________________________________________________________ Was your prediction right or wrong? __________________________________________________________ Did you have any results that where not consistent with the rest of your results? __________________________________________________________ Why do you think this? __________________________________________________________
Evaluation 3- 6 Did you think the experiment was any good? __________________________________________________________ Where your results reliable (could you reproduce these results again) __________________________________________________________ Could you improve your plan in anyway____________________________________________________________________________________ Describe the practically how you would do this improvement_________________________________________________________________________________ Could you improve your plan in anyway____________________________________________________________________________________ Describe the practically how you would do this improvement_________________________________________________________________________________ My are or are not what I expected __________________________________________________________ Why do you think your results are valid ( what you expected) __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________
Planning 5-7 Plan State what your independent Select a suitable range for your independent variable (how many changes are you going to make); Explain why you have chosen your independent State your dependent variable Explain why you have chosen your dependent variables; Explain how you are going to take your measurements Say why you have decided not to investigate any other variable; List all of the control variables; Explain how you are going to control all the of these variables Plan how you are going to control these variables Explain if you think you are going to have difficulty controlling any of these VariableHow it is going to be controlledIs it hard to control Sun light Close all the blinds in the roomSome light will still get into the room though the door Write a step by step plan of how you are going to carry out your practical. Safety List the hazards that doing your practical pose What harm can these hazards cause How can you reduce the risks Rank your hazards in order of most hazardous to least hazardous : HazardHarmReduce Risk 1. Acid,can burn your skin or eyes, w ear goggles and know where the eye wash is in the Leading to burns or lose of room, if you get acid on your hand you need to wash it sightoff straight away Hypothesis What scientific knowledge do you need to know for this investigation? What do you think your results will look like? Why do you think your results will look like this, use scientific knowledge to answer this question.
Observing 5-7 Y X Table of Results Graph
Calculating Gradient X Y Line of Best fit Gradient = length of Y/ length of X Analysing gradient e.g. My results have a positive correlation shown by a gradient of 0.4 Plotting your graph using error bars 1.Plot the average 2.draw a line of best fit 3.Plot test 1 4.Plot test 2 5.Plot test 3 6.Draw a Key 7.Draw Error Bars Analysing Error Bars Error bars that do not over lap show a real difference in data; Observing Level 6-7 Help Sheet REAL DIFFERENCE Line of Best fit Gradient is a Ratio (No Units)
Analysis 5 – 7 Describing your graph: State what your graph looks like Was is a positive or negative correlation Use data from your graph to describe the pattern As the temperature when up the reaction happened twice as quickly or by the end of the experiment it had increased from 10 o C to 20 o C Where their any odd (anomalous) results Did the anomalous results effect you pattern Explain how any anomalous results could have effected your average Is X directly proportional to Y Conclusion How did your experiment go? What evidence do you have that your experiment went well or not Explain how your results support or don’t support your prediction How have your results enabled you to answer the original question What results are not consistent with the rest of your results Can you suggest using scientific reasons why these results are anomalous Do the odd results make you think that the results are a sign that the theory is not correct Can you offer an alternative conclusion to the one you have already suggested? Which one do you think is more likely.
Evaluation 5 – 7 Describe which specific results are reliable. Make a practical suggestion of how to improve your experiment For a level 6 you will need to do a detailed practical suggestion For level 7 you will have to write a detailed plan of how to improve your experiment Are your conclusions valid (what you expected to get) Why do you think your results are valid? How might your improvement make your results more valid? Describe any further investigations / experiments