Blake Hollis Jordan Livesay Kellen Catani Sean Yu D1 Team 3
Basics What is it? Rube Goldberg device ○ One input force = one task ○ Inefficient and complicated Bill of Materials Concepts used Torque/ Rotational Motion Spring Force Potential/Kinetic Energy Translational Energy
Building Process Tools used Circular saw Power Drill Jigsaw Hammer/Nails Tape Measurer
Process Golf ball lies on top of a board meters Trim piece connects to the top and to the bottom with another board at a height of m. The golf ball will roll to the bottom of the trim piece with a velocity of 2.18m/sec. and strike a shaft (0.0635m) Shaft speed = 34.3 rad/sec Second ball will hit a block Block speed = 1.01m/s
Process (Cont.) Block falls over and starts dominoes Dominoes speed =.54 m/s Dominoes trigger mousetrap Mousetrap releases paperclip which allows banner to unfurl.
Calculations / Issues Issues Absence of friction or losses of energy Input force varies each time as well as direction of force Ramps not sturdy ○ Nailed ramp Paperclip did not release ○ Changed angle of pull
Summary After issues were solved, device worked fairly efficiently Fun creative use of common objects Some issues could not be resolved but we found ways around them