ET-DARE W.J. Wright Bureau of Meteorology 700 Collins St, Melbourne, Australia Ph: W.Wright Co-Chair OPACE 1 for Climate Data and Data Management, Commission for Climatology GCOS AOPC, Geneva, February 2011
2 DARE – a mission statement “ The main purpose of DARE is to identify, secure from loss or damage, NMHSs historical documents and data, and make the data available for access by NMHS for their service delivery and for global climate analysis, monitoring and research ”
3 SYNOPSIS Where ET-DARE fits in CCl and WMO The story so far (DARE in ) Thoughts on some Terms of Reference Other points Thoughts on what might work
4 ET-DARE within CCl Five OPACEs; OPACE 1 deals with climate data & data management ET-CDMS, ET-DARE main Expert Teams, but other major initiatives Basic premise: climate services are not possible unless data are secure, accessible and well managed.
5 ET-DARE links with GFCS GFCS has five pillars. Climate services are built on the Observations and monitoring pillar – corresponds to OPACE 1 data management DARE activities receive priority within GFCS IP.
The story so far – IP Significant progress in establishing frameworks for data rescue, including WACA-DARE (Africa) Collaboration with ET-CCDI (Climate Change Detection Indices) – model for linking data rescue to climate services Improved collaboration with ACRE, IEDRO White paper for I-DARE developed (provides information on data and metadata rescue worldwide).
ET-DARE - ToR Establish and record, through contact with interested parties including data users and data centres, general and specific needs for the rescue of historic observational data and metadata records; Assess regional needs for data rescue projects and investigate associated synergies across different regions, WMO Programmes and Commissions and other international climate data recovery efforts; Arrange to implement, populate, and maintain an International Data Rescue web portal (I-DARE) that summarizes key information and a gap analysis about data rescue activities internationally; Develop and amend as necessary guidelines and best practices for the rescue, inventory, hard-copy and electronic storage, and digitization or imaging of climate data records; Collaborate with groups associated with the delivery of climate services and research around their priorities for data rescue, including relevant workshops; Explore efforts in crowdsourcing as a data rescue strategy (e.g., for marine data and citizen science alliance). 7
ToR – (a) Establish and record, through contact with interested parties including data users and data centres, general and specific needs for the rescue of historic observational data and metadata records; Many activities underway globally using different sources of funding Many records undigitised. Some countries' data is distributed across multiple locations Information on needs, gaps and priorities is required (and will be used to populate Data Portal (next slide). 8
ToR – (c) (c)Arrange to implement, populate, and maintain an International Data Rescue web portal (I-DARE) that summarizes key information and a gap analysis about data rescue activities internationally; Important to have central source of information on global data rescue activities, priorities, etc Gap analyses enable picture of where data rescue activities should be prioritised. Good models for I-DARE available – refer I-DARE white paper Team will need to closely consider timelines in White Paper DARE side-event planned for WMO Congress, Jun 2015 Initial funding source needed– GCOS donation; CCl Budget, then via "kickstart" approach. 9
ToR – (d) (d)Develop and amend as necessary guidelines and best practices for the rescue, inventory, hard-copy and electronic storage, and digitization or imaging of climate data records; Much of this exists already (e.g., MEDARE portal, IEDRO; WMO- TD 1210) Need experts to coordinate, update and write guidance. Hosting: with I-DARE (?). Communication strategy. Sharing of information and technologies 10
ToR – (f) (f)Explore efforts in crowdsourcing as a data rescue strategy (e.g., for marine data and citizen science alliance) Importance self-explanatory! Capacity for imaging Links to CDMS What separates successful from unsuccessful crowd-sourcing initiatives? What resources are needed? 11
Other points Maintain links with OPACE 2's ET-CCDI Contribute to development of data management strategy through over-arching IPET-Climate Data Modernisation Program Contribution to new Technical Regulations (if appropriate) Update Guide to Climatological Practices Scientific papers? 12
Some further thoughts (What experience shows might work well) First meeting very important to set work plan and establish momentum Work plans should be well-defined, but allow flexibility Occasional Webex teleconferences to keep people on track. Keep in mind links between ET-DARE and OPACE 5 on Education & Training, Capacity Development, and Communications For certain tasks, might be useful to have a dedicated writing team in Geneva. 13