高等計算機網路 Advanced Computer Networks Spring 2011, NTNU-CSIE
General Information Time: Thursday 2~5pm Place: S202 Instructor: 陳伶志 Ling-Jyh Chen Phone: # Course Website:
What’s the course about? For grad only Target the emerging and advanced research issues of computer networks Focus on “hand-on” training/experience
Textbook and HW No textbook!! We will distribute papers/notes in the classes (on the course website). No HWs and exams
Grading In-Class Participation: 10% Survey Paper: 40% Peer-review: 10% Literature review: 15% Writing/style: 15% Project: 50% Checkpoint: 10% Project presentation: 15% Project report: 25%
Survey Paper 2 people per topic Topics will be announced in next class Topics by far CAPTCHA/reCAPTCHA Crowdsourcing marketplace Phone-based sensing systems Mobile social games Online games …
Projects 2 people per team Projects will be announced in next class You are encouraged to propose your own project!
Example Projects (2006)
Example Projects (2007)
Example Projects (2008) Advanced Computer Networks, Spring 2008 Project List 1. A measurement study of WiiMote 2. A measurement study of Nintendo Wi-Fi (using NDS) 3. A measurement study of IEEE n networks 4. An evaluation study of wireless security tools: WepLab 5. A survey study of vehicular networks
Example Projects (2009)
Example Projects (2010)
Misc Participation is required. Course materials (slides, papers, HW, solutions, etc) will be posted on the course website. Let me know if you have any questions!