1 CEdMA Europe Workshop The Future of Learning Wayne Hodgins January 30, 2007 London, UK
2 Jan.30, 2007 Strategic Futurist President & Co-Founder Learnativity.org Chair, IEEE Learning Technology Standards Committee Learning Object Metadata Strategic Advisor
3 Wayne Hodgins Jan.30, 2007 CEdMA Future Watch: Inventing the future by inverting the past: Customers “employees” Services Products Products Services Learning as a corporate imperative Unlearning Left (brain) dominating/directed thinking Right directed thinking skills Design, pattern/trend recognition, creators of new from old bits, meaning makers, story tellers Abundance Asia Automation Forklifts for the brain Decision support Crowdsourcing Serious games, fun and learning Personalization Metadata Customer generated Automated subjective
4 Wayne Hodgins Jan.30, 2007 Parting Thoughts: Think about inverting the norms: Producers become consumers Consumers become Producers Turning customers into employees (eg content contributors) Employees as customers (using your own) Serious Play; how are YOU learning? Reading or listening NOT ENOUGH! Largely experiential now Try out some of the previous list Develop skill of UNLEARNING Switch your watch hand No directories!
5 Wayne Hodgins Jan.30, 2007 Parting thoughts…… LEADERSHIP by example: If not YOU, then who?? If not NOW, then when? PLEASE stay the course, We’ve won some battles, but NOT the war! The truly hard work now begins keep up the GREAT work! Please leave feeling: Proud of what you’ve wrought Humbled by what you’ve not Energized by the opportunity and challenges before us The world is watching AND will be following leaders
6 Wayne Hodgins Jan.30, 2007 Live for TODAY! The Past is gone The Future isn’t here Live for today! it’s a gift That’s why its called the“PRESENT”
7 Wayne Hodgins Jan.30, 2007 Innovation not replication! Let’s stop “flapping” and replicating past artifacts It is NOT about FLAPPING faster!! Let’s start thinking DIFFERENTLY !! How does this apply to YOU? Practice Leadership by EXAMPLE!
8 Wayne Hodgins Jan.30, 2007 For Questions & Comments please contact: For slides, blogs, podcasts and more: Thank You! Jan 30, 2007