Midyear Meeting National States Geographic Information Council Review of NSGIC Midyear Meeting Feb 27 – Mar 2, 2011 Gene Trobia, Arizona State Cartographer NGAC Meeting, March 18, 2011
Keynotes Dr. Raphael Bostic,Dr. Raphael Bostic, Assistant Secretary Department of Housing and Urban Development –Addressed the geospatial activities of HUD and explained the Administration’s Place- based Initiatives Congressman Charles StenholmCongressman Charles Stenholm, Retired TX –Addressed the intricacies of working with Federal agencies and Congress –Take Away – If you aren’t happy with actions of Congress, blame the person in the mirror
Meeting Focus NSGIC Advocacy AgendaNSGIC Advocacy Agenda –Developing a consolidated national Addresses Point file to reduce waste and duplication of effort –For ‘the Nation Initiatives’ to reduce waste, share costs & sustain jobs at all levels of government –New Technology for Effectiveness and Efficiency (i.e. Geospatial Platform if done right) –Inclusive Governance of National Geospatial Programs (empower NGAC more)
Panel Discussions Addresses and Address PointsAddresses and Address Points –Census, U.S. Post Office, NENA, NY State Demonstrating the duplication of effort and wasteful practices of government without national leadership Public SafetyPublic Safety –DHS; NAPSG; Laurel, MD; and Fairfax, VA Virtual USA, Informing the EM Community and a Common Road Centerline Model for E911 uses
Panel Discussions Transportation for the NationTransportation for the Nation –US DOT and Applied Geographics Update on the Strategic Planning effort which is in the final review stage Crowdsourcing (Open Street Maps) and potential partnerships with the private sector options were discussed Business Plan is the anticipated next step Fifty States InitiativeFifty States Initiative –Presentation on the progress of the program and results seen to date
Panel Discussions National Broadband Map and NG 911National Broadband Map and NG 911 –NTIA and FCC A great example of what can be accomplished by federal/state collaboration with adequate resources to accomplish the job Some data was generated from ‘crowd sourced’ NG 911 will incorporate web functions that will be very dependent on a robust national broadband build out
Breakouts Census Bureau ActivitiesCensus Bureau Activities –Census Bureau Focused on Redistricting NG 911 and Broadband MappingNG 911 and Broadband Mapping –U.S. DOT and FCC Design and Implementation of NG 911 State Broadband Map Questions & Answers Geospatial PlatformGeospatial Platform –EPA Status and UpdateStatus and Update
Hill Visits Several States visited Congressional OfficesSeveral States visited Congressional Offices –Great deal of interest in anything related to duplication of effort and waste (HR 235) Met with NAPSG and NENAMet with NAPSG and NENA –Interest in moving forward together on NG 911 (interoperable open systems, common data standards and a common grid reference system –Interest in a national Address Point file Met with Department of EnergyMet with Department of Energy –Exploration of how states and DOE can work together –Interest in a national Address Point file for initiatives like “Smart Grid” Met with Library of CongressMet with Library of Congress –Preservation of Digital Geospatial Data
Major Surprise of the Meeting Crowd Sourcing Plan to freely share roads and addresses with no strings attached NSGIC plans to follow-up with them to fully understand their offerings and will circulate information
For more information about NSGIC and the Midyear… NSGIC Website: Presentations Available in Conference Archives Gene Trobia