NeSC, Nov 2003 Bristol Regional e-Science Centre: progress and plans Mark Birkinshaw University of Bristol
NeSC, Nov November 2003Mark Birkinshaw, U. Bristol2 Outline 1.BReSC and CeRB 2.BReSC theme: data-interactivity 3.BReSC progress 4.BReSC projects: some examples 1.WFS viewer: AstroGrid-2 2.InSAR mapping 3.GENIE 4.Chemical structures
NeSC, Nov November 2003Mark Birkinshaw, U. Bristol3 BReSC and CeRB Bristol: GridPP, GENIE, genomics, digital media, etc. UWE: Mammogrid Exeter: eStar, IAs Bristol: BReSC a component of CeRB
NeSC, Nov November 2003Mark Birkinshaw, U. Bristol4 BReSC theme Data-interactivity: NRT DP using local Grid and display on AG node Cold and hot media – NRT manipulation and discovery Example: finding structure anomalies and features in multi-dimensional datasets via combination of display and calculation – astronomy, mathematics, …
NeSC, Nov November 2003Mark Birkinshaw, U. Bristol5 BReSC progress AGN site preparation – decision for site was delayed, but now made, orders being placed eScience PDRA – offer made and informally accepted, will start in December (Bristol will hire a second PDRA) Internal Grid – under test, switches in place Science drivers – remain strong, additional University hires in area (Valdes et al.) SRIF spend – possible significant allocation being negotiated
NeSC, Nov November 2003Mark Birkinshaw, U. Bristol6 Projects Some examples WFSviewer GENIE InSAR Isomerisation Others: Bristol: digital media, genomics, earthquake modelling, volcano predictions Exeter: eStar, Ias UWE: Mammogrid
NeSC, Nov November 2003Mark Birkinshaw, U. Bristol7 Wide-Field Survey Viewer Designed for a wide-field survey with multiple wavebands and camera positions Source detection and merging of object catalogues Uses overlaps and stellar colour- colour sequences to produce uniform photometry Make, store true-colour images Single interface to images & catalogues (local or remote) Data analysis ‘plug-in’ modules
NeSC, Nov November 2003Mark Birkinshaw, U. Bristol8 Slit-mask design: interactive slit edits, overlap checks Photometry plots: e.g. cluster colour- magnitude diagram Remote databases: e.g. FIRST catalogue, maps Surface density plot: colour-magnitude selected samples WFSV: data-analysis modules
NeSC, Nov November 2003Mark Birkinshaw, U. Bristol9 GENIE? Grid ENabled Integrated Earth system model Investigate long term changes to the Earth’s climate using g numerical models e-Science aims: –Flexibly couple state-of-the-art components to form unified Earth System Model (ESM). –Execute resultant ESM on a Grid infrastructure. –Share resultant data produced by simulation runs. –Provide high-level open access to the system, creating and supporting virtual organisation of Earth System modellers.
NeSC, Nov November 2003Mark Birkinshaw, U. Bristol10 The problem: Thermohaline circulation Ocean transports heat through the “global conveyor belt.” Heat transport controls global climate. Wish to investigate strength of model ocean circulation as a function of two external parameters. Use GENIE-Trainer. Wish to perform 31 31 = 961 individual simulations. Each simulation takes 4 hours to execute on typical Intel P3/1GHz, 256MB RAM, machine 163 days
NeSC, Nov November 2003Mark Birkinshaw, U. Bristol11 Scientific achievements Intensity of the thermohaline circulation as a function of freshwater flux between Atlantic and Pacific oceans (DFWX), and mid-Atlantic and North Atlantic (DFWY). Surface air temperature difference between extreme states (off - on) of the thermohaline circulation. North Atlantic 2 C colder when the circulation is off.
NeSC, Nov November 2003Mark Birkinshaw, U. Bristol12 Real science through real e-Science Delivered Grid resources to perform simulations of prototype Earth System Model. Delivered web based system to allow a virtual organisation of environmental scientists to create and manage simulations at a high-level. Delivered database management system to allow scientists to share, access and visualise data produced by simulation runs. New results with profound implications: papers out!
NeSC, Nov November 2003Mark Birkinshaw, U. Bristol13 Antarctic ice surface velocities: satellite InSAR
NeSC, Nov November 2003Mark Birkinshaw, U. Bristol14 PE profile of isomerisation in NO + NH 2
NeSC, Nov November 2003Mark Birkinshaw, U. Bristol15 Dramatis personae Balint-Kurti, Orpen (Chemistry) Bamber, Payne, Valdes (Geographical Sciences) Barker, Edwards, Hall (Biological Sciences) Birkinshaw, Bremer, Heath, Miles, Newbold (Physics) Green, Nason, Wiggins (Mathematics) May (Computer Science) Taylor (Civil Engineering) Naylor (Physics, Exeter) McClatchey, Parmee (UWE)