1 ONLINE PREMIUM SERVICE (OPS) More Than Data Cincinnati Model Investment Club Education Prepared by James Hurt
2 You use the data. Have you ever checked out the Price Chart?
3 There are several choices at the top of Big Charts. Several of these choices deal primarily with the movement of the price but some of these pages have information of interest to us.
4 Take a look at the news headlines. The emphasis is often on what various analysts have to say but sometimes they have articles of interest such as the announcement of the conference call. It only takes a few seconds to check out this list. News
5 The industry information is of interest. The default is 3 months. But that can be changed. This is a list of the best and the worst in price appreciation in a given time frame. It gives you a good idea of companies you might want to use as competitors. Industry
6 This is the five year price appreciation chart.
7 Want to see all the companies in the industry? There is a box to click on at the bottom of the previous page to bring up a list of all the companies in that industry. The list is alphabetical. We are showing only a part of the list.
8 Using Big Charts The Market Advisors and Analysts do not have a lot of interest for us. We like to do our own analysis. By clicking on the SEC Filings you can get the 10K’s and 10Q’s from this site. You can get some, but not all Annual Reports, from this site.
9 Insiders This is another interesting useful chart. By clicking on a name you can get more information on that person. Click on SECInfor.com and get still more information
10 Profile This page includes a lot of the information you saw on previous pages plus additional information such as the description of the business.
11 Profile (continued) Many useful ratios are listed at the bottom of the Profile page to help you in your analysis.
12 DON’T FORGET Since you have to go to the NAIC web site to start OPS don’t forget to search for recent articles on your company while you are at the NAIC web sit.
13 It is a lot easier to do this than it is to go through old magazines looking for that article you remember seeing a few months ago.
14 B. I. article on Biomet Do more than just fill in the SSG. Research the company.