y esterday and Today A comparison of the things we did at age 20 and how we do it 40 years later
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yesterdaytoday Long Hair Longing for Hair
yesterdaytoday Big hair Bad hair
yesterdaytoday Grape Nehi Grape Nuts
yesterdaytoday A Keg An EKG
yesterdaytoday ACID ROCK Acid Reflux
yesterdaytoday Saturday night at the Disco Saturday night at Costco
yesterdaytoday Fake- color hair Fake hair color
yesterdaytoday Happy Hour
yesterdaytoday Why you turn the lights out
yesterdaytoday Stop to fill upStop to empty out
yesterdaytoday Dress for the Mall
yesterdaytoday Move to Californi a because it’s cool Move to Florida because it’s warm
yesterdaytoday Being “bad” on the dancefloo r Being bad on the dancefloo r
yesterdaytoday Running around in your car Running around looking for your car
yesterdaytoday Trying hard to look like Marlon Brando or Elizabeth Taylor Trying hard to not look like Marlon Brando or Elizabeth Taylor
yesterdaytoday Going to a hip, new joint Getting a new hip joint
yesterdaytoday Screaming at the Rolling Stones Screaming at the kidney stones
yesterdaytoday Passing your driver’s exam Passing your prostate exam
yesterdaytoday In the deep end In the Depends
yesterdaytoday Wishing you could have a BMW Wishing you could have a BM
And now for something different…
How pants defy the law of gravity:
My, how things have changed