What’s the Basic FORMULA to Good Health?
The Human Body is Composed of 60,000,000,000,000 (60 Trillion)Cells The Human red blood cells undergo Process of natural metabolism every 120 days. A healthy body is made up of healthy cells as Healthy cells contribute to a strong immune System and keep disease at bay. The three (3) elements essential to The Formation of Healthy Cells: Clean Water Balanced Nutrients Sufficient Oxygen
Water is essential to your body Water is needed in all bodily functions Water is needed for flushing toxins from the body Water prevents dehydration, degeneration and disease The human body is 70% water. You could live for several weeks without food, but without water you would dehydrate and die within days. Just a 2% loss of the water surrounding your cells could cause a 20% decrease in your energy levels. The human body is made up of over 6 trillion cells, each floating in and filled with fluid. Water hydrates and irrigates these cells, and is essential for over 90% of the biochemical processes that take place in cells. Without water, blood would not flow, oxygen and nutrients would not be transported, waste would not be eliminated, and our organs and body systems would not function. Many doctors and scientists believe that degenerative diseases that didn’t exist before industrialization can be attributed to the chemicals and carcinogens found in our water, air and food. While water is the best defense against toxicity in the body because it flushes out toxic waste, it has to be healthy water, otherwise it only adds to the problem. All of the symptoms of aging are accompanied by a slow dehydration of cells. The first signs of dehydration are headache, insomnia, fatigue and lack of mental alertness. Doctors now believe that dehydration may be the root cause for all kinds of ailments, from acne and indigestion, to arthritis and obesity, to more serious conditions such as heart problems, hypertension and even cancer. The link between dehydration to degeneration and disease had led researchers to do in-depth studies on the functions and properties of water.
Where does Water come from?
Where does Water come from?
Drinking Water Sources Tap water may contain chlorine, rust, mud, iron and other harmful sediments ph of tap water may vary from a low of 5.5 to as high as 10 disturbing the body’s natural acid/alkaline balance (~7.35) Most of our water is dead. Almost everything that man has done to water has destroyed or degraded it. We have contaminated nearly every natural water supply on earth with pollutants, toxic wastes and the dumping of hundreds of thousands of chemicals. As early as the 1960s, more than 2,500 chemicals were found in tap water. Today, the world uses 120,000 types of chemicals, with another 1,000 new ones added each year. All of these chemicals find their way into our water sources. Water treatment plants use basic filtration and chlorine to remove microbes and contaminants from our polluted water. This process makes the water “safe” to drink, but it destroys water’s life-giving properties. Chlorine is not good for water because it has a strong ionic pull that easily distorts water’s healthful crystalline structure. It isn’t good for the body either. Chlorine has been associated with heart problems, cancer and arteriosclerosis. Boiling water does not get rid of chlorine – it changes it into a carcinogen called trihalomethane. Another problem is that tap water tends to have an erratic pH (as low as 5.5 or as high as 10) which disturbs the body’s natural acid/alkaline balance of pH 7.35. Keeping water in stagnant storage tanks and forcing it to travel through miles of pipes strip water of its natural energy and oxygen, disrupting the hexagonal clusters. By the time tap water reaches you, it is devoid of healthful properties. A good activated carbon filter may effectively remove chlorine and heavy metals, but it can still allow certain contaminants to pass through. Distillation and Reverse Osmosis devices do a better job of getting rid of harmful substances than simple filters do, but they take everything else out of the water too – including beneficial minerals that are necessary for health and longevity. Most bottled water is tap water that has been processed through a reverse osmosis or carbon filtration system. Some companies add minerals but in all of these cases, the water is still processed and contained. Almost all filtration and purification processes start with dead tap water and then do little or nothing to restore water’s vital life-giving properties.
Filtered, Distilled or Reversed Osmosis Water Water A good activated carbon filter may effectively remove chlorine and heavy metals, but it can still allow certain contaminants to pass through. Distillation and Reverse Osmosis devices do a better job of getting rid of harmful substances than simple filters do, but they take everything else out of the water too – including beneficial minerals that are necessary for health. Bottled Water Most bottled water is tap water that has been processed through a reverse osmosis or carbon filtration system. Some companies add minerals but in all cases, that is all the water has to offer. Almost all filtration and purification processes start with tap water and then do little or nothing to restore water’s vital life-giving properties.
If you want all the things that water can offer – a trim healthy body, radiant skin, lots of energy – you need to drink water that is: o Clean and pure o Energizing o Oxygen rich o Rich in minerals o pH-balanced to match your body fluids molecularly structured in small water clusters
What about RIGHT WATER? For continuous good health, it is not the amount of water we take in that matters, but the QUALITY of the water.
is DXN BioWater
Bio-water Energy System Filter Functions A. Bio-Ceramic Filter – removes all harmful and unnecessary substances of any form such as iron rust, sediments, floats and germs. B. Softener Resin Filter – removes heavy metals, making the water soft C. Pre-Carbon Filter – removes chlorine and other organic chemicals. D. Post-Carbon Filter – removes unpleasant odors or taste E. Far-infrared Filter – releases physical rays which would break water molecule clusters into smaller ones making it easier to absorb, increase the oxygen content and mobility of water molecules. F. Magnetized Mineral with Granular Activated Carbon Filter makes free moving water structure in harmony with body fluids for more effective cell cleansing. G. Post-Carbon Filter – maintains freshness of water.
Reasons to Drink Energized Water Get healthy skin. Bio-water moisturizes the skin from the inside out. Lose weight. Bio-water will keep your metabolism and digestion working properly. Flush toxins. Reduce your risk of heart attack. Regulates bowel movement. Drinking water moisturizes your skin from the inside out. Water is essential to maintaining elasticity and suppleness and helps prevent dryness. Increased water consumption can help control weight by preventing from confusing hunger with thirst. Water will also keep your body systems working properly, including metabolism and digestion, and give you the energy (and hydration) necessary for exercise. By helping to flush toxins, appropriate water intake lessens the burden on your kidneys and liver. Researchers at Loma Linda University in California studied more than 20,000 healthy men and women and found that people who drink more than five glasses of water a day were less likely to die from a heart attack or heart disease than those who drank fewer than two glasses a day. Water helps prevent constipation by adding fluid to the colon and bulk to stools, making bowel movements softer and easier to pass.
Reasons to Drink Energized Water 6. Cushion your joints and muscles. Drinking Bio-water can also help reduce muscle cramping and premature fatigue 7. Regulate your body temperature 8. Reduce your risk of disease and infection 9. Get energized and stay alert. 10. Get well. Water can help control a fever, replace lost fluids and thin out mucus. Reasons to Drink Energized Water Water makes up a large part of the fluid that lubricates and cushions your joints and muscles. Drinking water before, during and after exercise can also help reduce muscle cramping and premature fatigue. Perspiration is your body’s natural mechanism to control body temperature. And to sweat, you need plenty of water. Water can help prevent kidney stones and reduce your chances of getting bladder, kidney and urinary tract infections. One study found that women who drank more than five glasses of water a day had a risk of colon cancer that was 45 percent less than those who drank two or fewer glasses a day. On average, most adults lose about 10 cups of fluid a day through sweating, exhaling, urinating and bowel movements. Even minor dehydration can cause impaired concentration, headaches, irritability and fatigue. The traditional prescription to “drink plenty of fluids” when you’re sick still holds strong. Water can help control a fever, replace lost fluids, and thin out mucus.
Properties of Energized Water Energizing Oxygen-rich Clean and germ-free Rich in essential minerals pH balance Has smaller water clusters The body’s trillion of cells vibrate and pulsate to a complex system of harmonic frequencies. This pulsation of life enables cells to communicate with each other and perform crucial biological and chemical exchanges. Any disruption of this harmonic pulsation can cause pain, discomfort and disease. Energized water resonates with the energetic vibrations of your body. When you drink energized water, it amplifies, animates and perpetuates your own life force. Drinking dead water on the other hand, has a detrimental effect because your body has to expend precious energy “turning it on” and giving it energy before it can be used for bodily functions. Oxygen is the fuel of life – the more you have of it, the better your body functions and the healthier you are. Most of us think that we only take oxygen in through the air, but actually oxygen that is dissolved in water offers a much more direct route to our cells. Oxygen in our drinking water can reach the blood in 30 seconds; the brain in one minute; the skin in 10 minutes; and the liver, heart and kidneys in 20 minutes! Energized water offers abundant oxygen that is readily available to your cells. It also augments the oxygen you inhale which is especially helpful if you breathe poor quality air or if aging or poor health have slowed down your oxygen uptake. Fresh, unpolluted natural water is healthy and self-cleansing, disease causing microbes find it an unsuitable environment to thrive. As water moves through earth, it gathers minerals which are needed to conduct and generate billions of tiny electrical impulses in the body. Without these impulses, not a single muscle, including your heart, would be able to function, nor could growth and repair be accomplished. Natural water with its rich mineral content has a slightly alkaline pH. It supports the average pH 7.35 of your body fluids which is necessary for transporting oxygen, regulating metabolism, eliminating acidic waste and preventing disease. Because it matches the clustered water found inside and around our body cells. Small clusters are perfectly designed to interact with other molecules, to communicate using energetic vibrations, and to slip easily through cellular membranes – carrying nutrients in and lifting toxic waste out of our cells to keep them young and vibrantly healthy. Large clusters are chaotic, clumsy and far less useful to the body.
Benefits of Energized Water Detoxification. Facilitates removal of toxins in the body. Better hydration. Known to quench thirst more effectively than regular water. Better absorption. Smaller water clusters allow nutrients to be absorbed more efficiently. Anti-oxidant. Increase oxygen content helps control free radical activity better.