The church at Sardis was described as “dead” Rev 3:1 This tells us churches can die (and often do) There are at least two ways a church may die. It may cease to exist or it may die inwardly, while it still lives outwardly
us PERSECUTION – Satan often resorts to physical persecution Rev 2:9-10; 1Pet 5:8-9; 1Pet 4:12 – People respond to persecution differently Jhn 12:42-43; Acts 5:41-42; Rom 5:1-5; Jas 1:2-3 – How we react will determine our future as a church Matt 5:11-12; Rev 2:13; 3:8
us FALSE TEACHING – Ephesus Rev 2:2,6 – Pergamos Rev 2:13-15 – Jesus, Paul & Peter warned of error Matt 7:15; Acts 20:29-30; 2Pet 2:1-2
us FALSE TEACHING – Two things are necessary in guarding against error Must not turn away from sound doctrine 2Tim 4:3-4; 4:1-2 Don’t support teaching contrary to doctrine 2Jhn 1:9-11
us WORLDLINESS – Immorality, materialism & egotism 1Jhn 2:15-17 – Satan has and will use worldliness to destroy churches Rev 2:20-23; 3:14-23; Lk 8:14 – Must be active in warding off worldliness 1Jhn 2:15-17; Jas 4:4; Rom 12:1-2; Lk 21:34-36
us INDIFFERENCE – A subtle yet effective weapon of Satan Rev 2:4; 3:15-17; Don’t have to oppose the church to kill it - just be indifferent (lazy and don’t care) Prov 18:9; Matt 12:30
us INDIFFERENCE – Symptoms of indifference Irregular attendance of worship Heb 10:25 Lack of participation in worship Acts 2:42,46 Habitually arriving late for assembly Very little or no effort to win souls No personal, private Bible study & prayer
us INDIFFERENCE – Fervent service is the only antidote to indifference Must not grow weary in well doing Gal 6:9 Be diligent, not lazy Heb 6:11-12 Hold fast the hope we confess by encouraging one another Heb 10:14-15
us Certainly there are more ways to kill a church but these four are very effective – Persecution; False Teaching; Worldliness; Indifference Is Satan making progress in killing the church here?
us We must all do our part in bolstering our defenses against Satan. We must not allow him to get and advantage 2Cor 2:11