DID YOU EVER TO TALK TO GOD ABOVE? Did you ever talk to God above? Tell Him that you need a friend to love. Pray in Jesus’ name believing that God answers prayer. Have you told Him all your cares and woes? Every tiny little fear He knows. You can know He’ll always hear And He will answer prayer.
You can whisper in a crowd to Him. You can cry when you’re alone to Him. You don’t have to pray out loud to Him; He knows your thoughts. On a lofty mountain peak, He’s there. In a meadow by a stream, He’s there. Anywhere on earth you go, He’s been there from the start.
Find the answer in His Word; it’s true. You’ll be strong because He walks with you. By His faithfulness He’ll change you, too. God answers prayer.
ACTS 12 THE UNSTOPPABLE GOD God’s Witnesses to the World (Growing, Glowing, Going )
INTRODUCTION This chapter pictures for us Christians already suffering from famine and now having to suffer escalated persecution. This chapter pictures for us Christians already suffering from famine and now having to suffer escalated persecution. Luke seems to contrast the warm care of Antiochan believers with the cold cruelty of Herod. Luke seems to contrast the warm care of Antiochan believers with the cold cruelty of Herod.
Luke seems to want us to grasp at least two central concepts: the cruelty of the Jewish state and how God dealt with it; and the total sovereignty of God in dealing with His servants in any way He chooses. Luke seems to want us to grasp at least two central concepts: the cruelty of the Jewish state and how God dealt with it; and the total sovereignty of God in dealing with His servants in any way He chooses. God watches over His church and carries out His plans even when immediate events seem beyond our explanation. God watches over His church and carries out His plans even when immediate events seem beyond our explanation.
A Powerful King and a Praying Church (1-5) Death of James (1-2) Death of James (1-2) Fate of Peter (3-4) Fate of Peter (3-4) Prayer of the church (5) Prayer of the church (5) Persecution and trouble call a church to prayer. Persecution and trouble call a church to prayer.
An Awful King and an Awkward Church (6-19) Release from prison (6-11) Release from prison (6-11) Reaction from the church (12-17) Reaction from the church (12-17) Revenge from Herod (18-19) Revenge from Herod (18-19) God’s sovereignty in protecting His work in the world is not limited by our ability to understand it, to interpret it, or to act on it intelligently. God’s sovereignty in protecting His work in the world is not limited by our ability to understand it, to interpret it, or to act on it intelligently.
A Dead King and a Dynamic Church (19-25) Opportunity for truth (19-20) Opportunity for truth (19-20) Judgment for pride (21-23) Judgment for pride (21-23) Impetuous for the gospel (24-25) Impetuous for the gospel (24-25) God may allow the death of saints and cause the death of the wicked. Human mortality has little to do with the ongoing work of His kingdom in the world. God may allow the death of saints and cause the death of the wicked. Human mortality has little to do with the ongoing work of His kingdom in the world.
CONCLUSION God sees our trials. God sees our trials. God answers our prayers. God answers our prayers. God’s power cannot be contested. God’s power cannot be contested. God deals with our enemies. God deals with our enemies. God’s punishment cannot be avoided. God’s punishment cannot be avoided. God’s purposes cannot be frustrated. God’s purposes cannot be frustrated.