The Protestant Reformation Mr. Koch World History A Forest Lake High School
Protestant Reformation Medieval Church was closely tied to secular world Many popes/clergy living in luxury Much corruption -selling indulgences
Martin Luther German monk and professor Disturbed by Church’s corruption and secular dealings 1517 A.D. -Posted 95 Theses on door of church in Wittenburg -Copies begin to circulate
Martin Luther 1521 – excommunicated by Pope Leo X After diet of Worms, declared outlaw by Holy Roman Emperor Charles V Went into hiding – started gaining followers
Changes advanced by Luther: Salvation through faith (not good deeds) Bible only real source of religious truth (not clergy) Made more accessible to common folk (vernacular) Rejected sacraments not in the Bible Simplified masses Permitted clergy to marry His followers set up Lutheran churches (Protestant)
John Calvin Also wrote about proper religious organization Similar to Luther – salvation through faith, Bible only truth Calvinists believed in predestination – “saints & sinners” Set up theocracy in Geneva – strict regulation of life
Religious wars and conflicts start erupting throughout Europe
As Reformation spreads, becomes more radical Anabaptists – only adults can be baptized
English Reformation King Henry VIII initially opposed Reformation 1527 – Wanted to annul marriage to Catherine of Aragon Wanted to marry Anne Boleyn – try for male heir Pope Clement VII refused
English Reformation 1534 – Act of Supremacy Authority of Church of England transferred from Pope to King Established Anglican Church
English Reformation Most of Protestant reforms took place after Henry Conflict b/w Catholics/Protestants erupt after death Edward VI – Protestant / Mary Tudor - Catholic Elizabeth I restores unity through compromise Anglican Church establishes firm, official position
Catholic Reformation Church tries to change in reaction to Protestant Reformation 1545 – Council of Trent - called by Pope Paul III Reaffirms Catholic beliefs, but tries to end abuses and improve education of clergy Strengthened use of Inquisition
Religious persecution Witch hunts Tens of thousands killed b/w Common in areas where religious conflict prevalent Usually social outcasts used as scapegoats
Religious persecution Jews face increased pressure to convert and restrictions (Persecution of Jews had also been promoted by Luther) Expelled from some areas or segregated into ghettos