The beginnings of the Gentile mission (Acts 9:32-12:25) NT2 – Study 5
Outline of this study 1.Peter’s mighty works (9:32-43) 2.Cornelius and the Gentiles (10:1-11:18) 3.The church at Antioch (11:19-30) 4.The persecution of the apostles in Jerusalem (12:1-25)
Source: David Cook, Teaching Acts (Christian Focus)
Why does Luke highlight that it was by Peter’s mouth that God chose to let the Gentiles hear the gospel?
1. Peter’s mighty works (9:32-43)
The gospel continues to spread to wider TERRITORIES (Lydda, Sharon, Joppa) SIMILAR ministry pattern to: – OT prophetic ministry (Elijah 1 Kgs 17:8-24; Elisha 2Kgs 4:18-37) – Jesus’ ministry in the Gospels (Lk 7:11-17; 8:41-42, 49-56) – Apostolic ministry in Jerusalem (Ac 3:1-10; cf 2:43; 5:12-16)
2. Cornelius and the Gentiles (10:1-11:18)
The gospel continues to spread to beyond PHYSICAL territories: Jew-Gentile divide! LENGTH (66 verses) + REPETITION (chs 10 & 11!) GREAT IMPORTANCE!!
2. Cornelius and the Gentiles (10:1-11:18) Four key emphases: JEWISH OBJECTIONS Must be proselyte first! THE INSTRUMENT Peter: apostle to the Jews! NECESSARY IIMPLICATION Acceptance by Jerusalem GOD’S CONFIRMATION Undeniable acceptance
2. Cornelius and the Gentiles (10:1-11:18) Cornelius’s vision (10:1-8) ‘God-fearer’ centurion Still need to be converted? Angel confirms his acceptance by God! Peter’s vision (10:9-16) Joppa! “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean” (3x repetition! cf. Mk 7:15-19; Eph 2:14-15) The meeting (10:17-33) A divinely choreographed encounter Compare Cornelius’s enthusiasm with Peter’s reluctance!
2. Cornelius and the Gentiles (10:1-11:18) Gospel to Gentiles (10:34-48) No favouritism, Christ the Lord of all Rejected by Jews, vindicated by God as judge of all, according to the prophets Confirmed by the Spirit: visions + Scriptures + coming upon Gentiles in Pentecost-like manner Baptised! Response of Jerusalem church (11:1-18) ‘the circumcised believers’! vv15-17: Spirit came + what Jesus said (1:5) this is from GOD who can say no? General acceptance … but more to come!!
2. Cornelius and the Gentiles (10:1-11:18) NOTE gospel to Gentiles = gospel to Jews – Context: promise to Israel according to Israel’s Scriptures – Salvation: through Israel’s Messiah and Israel’s witnesses – Basis: according to God’s pleasure, through faith in the preached word, same for all people!
Excursus: The Spirit in Acts Why does the Holy Spirit feature so prominently in Acts? 1.What OT P_ _ _ _ _ _ _ anticipated 2.To F_ _ _ _ _ _ the Father’s promise 3.To glorify the G_ _ _ _ 4.To EM _ _ _ _ _ God’s people 5.To effect T _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6.To constitute O _ _ people, O _ _ Lord! (see separate notes)
3. The church at Antioch (11:19-30)
Antioch (cf. p.73) – centre of Jewish dispersion, prominent city, cultural melting pot – gospel to Greeks through “unnamed Hellenistic Jewish Christians”! (v20) Growth in TERRITORY + PERSONNEL + JEW-GENTILE
3. The church at Antioch (11:19-30) Barnabas “Mr Encouragement” – Generous (4:36-37) – Accepts & encourages Gentiles reception (11:22-24) – Affirms & engages Saul/Paul (11:25-26)
Why did Luke conclude his description about the church in Antioch with 11:27-30?
4. The persecution of the apostles in Jerusalem (12:1-25)
Historical setting (cf. p.74) – AD under Herod Agrippa I (grandson of Herod the Great) James’ death fulfills Mark 10:39 Peter was spared in response to prayer of saints + Herod condemned! EMPHASIS: “But the word of God continued to spread and flourish” (12:24) 4. More persecution in Jerusalem (12:1-25)
Why did God rescue Peter but not James?
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