Puritan New England Ch 2 Sec 3
Puritans vs. the Church of England Causes of Conflict Results of Conflict Difference in philosophy when it comes to the church of England Wanted to purify the Church of England Puritans suffered religious persecution leading many to leave for the Americas (New England Colonies)
Puritan leaders vs. Roger Williams Causes of Conflict Results of Conflict Difference in religious beliefs (shouldn’t punish people who worshipped according to their conscience) Didn’t think English settlers had rightful claim to land Williams was banished and founded the colony of Rhode Island
Puritan leaders vs. Anne Hutchinson Causes of Conflict Results of Conflict Difference in religious and political beliefs Claimed you didn’t need ministers to interpret the Bible Hutchinson was banished and fled to Rhode Island
The Pequot War Causes of Conflict Results of Conflict Native Americans viewed land as a shared commodity, while colonists believed in private property War decimates Native American population in New England (Pequot Nation)
King Philip’s War Causes of Conflict Results of Conflict Continuing Native American resentment of Puritan policies A colonial victory BUT several colonial villages were destroyed as well as 10% of military killed in fighting The end of Native American power in New England