Ethnic Group:Hazaras Steven Nagel Kyle Bass
The Hazaras’ place of origin Hazarajat, a tranquil mountain range in the center of the country near Bamiyan.
Almost all Hazara people are Shi’a Muslims, a minority religious group consisting of roughly 15% of the country. Shi’a believe that Muhammad’s cousin and son-in-law, Ali, was the first Imam and his rightful successor through blood.
Representing about 20% of Afghans, Hazaras have immediately distinguishable Mongol features. They speak Hazaragi, a variant of the trade language Dari. These differences have caused division and persecution by the Pashtuns and other Afghanistan natives.
Since the Early 20’th century, over 50% of Hazaras have been massacred in an ongoing persecution by the Pashtuns. Slavery was common until 2003 when new moral legislation was passed, slightly improving their situation.
After the fall of communism, however, the Pashtun Taliban grew strong and many Hazaras were forced to deny their ethnicity or leave the country. Thousands fled to Australia seeking a new life. These refugees called themselves Asylum Seekers.
Between bouts of ethnic cleansing, extreme taxes and persecution, the Hazara people gained some rights, as in the communist regime of
U.S. intervention in Afghanistan has recently provided some relief for the suffering. The end goal is a new, free and fair Afghanistan.
Works Cited “About H.A.S.” Hazara Asylum Seekers. Hazara Asylum Seekers, Web. 12 Nov “Afghanistan Church and Religion.” CountryReports, Web. 12 Nov “Historical Past.” World Hazara Council. WHC, 21 Apr Web. 12 Nov Peoples and Ethnic Groups - Ethnic Groups - Interactive Map. Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. University of West Florida, Web. 12 Nov Persecution of Hazaras., 28 Sept Web. 12 Nov “Who are the Hazara?” N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Nov