Updates in IDEA 2004. NCLB is the symbol of the paradigm shift to a new mission of universal high achievement From: All children will have universal access.


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Presentation transcript:

Updates in IDEA 2004

NCLB is the symbol of the paradigm shift to a new mission of universal high achievement From: All children will have universal access to education equal educational opportunity – 1954 To: All children will have universal access to education equal educational opportunity, AND universal high achievement (proficiency)

Changes in IDEA 04 Private Schools (parentally placed students) AEAs are required to: Provide direct services (to extent practicable) Provide data on # of students evaluated, found eligible, and served Conduct timely child-find process as in public schools Not consider costs of child find process Consult with private schools on child find process and determination of proportional funds

Changes in IDEA 04 Highly Qualified Teachers All special education teachers must be highly qualified no later than the end of this school year (May 2006) In Iowa: Elementary sped teachers – OK Secondary Level 1 – endorsement in content area or co-teach Level 2 & 3 – OK, pending approval Iowas proposal to federal government

Changes in IDEA 04 IEP – Team Meetings Allows a member of the IEP team to be excused from a meeting if no changes are being made to that members area of curriculum or service OR if the member provides input prior to the meeting Parent and LEA must agree to member being excused Allows parents and LEAs to agree to participate in meetings via video conferences and conference calls

Changes in IDEA 04 Short term objectives or major milestones are no longer required. The IEP must now include a statement of measurable goals, including academic and functional goals.

Changes in IDEA 04 Evaluations Parent, SEA, LEA can request an initial evaluation LEA must gather academic information (PLAAFP: Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance) Tests administered in language and form most likely to yield accurate information 60 day timeline

Changes in IDEA 04 Exclusionary factors Lack of scientifically based instruction in reading Phonics, phonemic awareness, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency Lack of instruction in math Limited English proficiency

Changes in IDEA 04 Exit evaluations not required when… Graduation from secondary school with a regular diploma Exceeding age eligibility for FAPE (age 21 in Iowa)

Changes in IDEA 04 Disciplinary Actions Authorizes schools to order changes of placement (up to 10 days) to an appropriate interim educational setting, another setting, or suspension without a manifestation determination Authorizes schools to apply, beyond that 10 day period, the same disciplinary procedures for a child without a disability – upon determining that the violation in question was not a manifestation of the childs disability


State Performance Plan Iowas plan to address/support the success of the 4 priority areas and 34 indicators which provide information on the health of special education throughout the state Due December 2, 2005 Annual state updates to USDE (Annual Performance Report) First report due 2/1/2007 Subsequent reports in February of a year

Monitoring Priorities for Part B and C Free/Appropriate Public Education in the Least Restrictive Environment Disproportionality Early Intervention Services in Natural Environments Effective General Supervision

State Performance Plan 20 new requirements for every school district – Part B 14 requirements – Part C Retreat held from July st in Des Moines with AEA Sped Directors and Coordinators

Monitoring Priorities and Indicators FAPE/LRE Graduation Drop-out Achievement (under NCLB) Suspension/Expulsion LRE ages 6-21 LRE ages 3-5 Early Childhood Outcomes (ages 0-5) Parent Involvement survey

Monitoring Priorities and Indicators DISPROPORTIONALITY Disproportionality (district-by-district basis) a. System in place to serve all children b. Settings c. Suspension/expulsion Disproportionate representation of racial and ethnic groups in specific disability categories that is the result of inappropriate identification

Monitoring Priorities and Indicators CHILD FIND 60 day timeline for evaluation after parental consent is received

Monitoring Priorities and Indicators GENERAL SUPERVISION Identify non-compliance within one year Percent of complaints handled within 60 days. Fully adjudicated due process hearing requests within 45-days Percent of hearing requests resolved Percent of mediations resulted in agreements State reported data are timely and accurate

MR Targets and Strategies Measurable/Rigorous Targets Where we want to be as a state in 6 years. The target should be measurable and linked to the Measurement of the Indicator Some are set for us – some we must set Improvement Strategies The plan or method of getting to or obtaining the 6 year Target. Strategies should be broad in scope, rather than discrete activities

Monitoring Priorities and Indicators Districts will be held in non-compliance where the AMO has not been met State can be held non-compliant for two years then 20% funding will be withheld.
