Communicate with John Overbaugh
Introduction Seriously involved for five years Been in Internet industry since 1995 Been teaching Genealogy merit badge for four years
Goals of Class Discuss Internet and Security Introduce class to concepts Demonstrate effective use of listserves Demonstrate effective newsletters Show how how to find people via
Clients Outlook Outlook Express Hotmail, Yahoo! Eudora
Security Firewalls –Software: BlackIce, Symantec/Norton –Hardware: LinkSys, Cisco, etc. Operating System –XP Pro or Server? –Enable extensions –IE Security Other: Credit cards, passwords
Concepts Folders Distribution List (DL) Listserv/Mailing List SPAM
Joining and using Mailing Lists Follow directions—varies by list Lurk for a while Judge who is the expert Ask for help—GEDCOM, etc.
Newsletters Rootsweb Review Rootsweb Missing Links Roots-L Gen-Newbie TreasureMaps
Out of the Blue Find a name Send mail See what happens Get a mail Respond