Barren County Schools Student Technology Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)
Computers are the property of the Barren County School System and any information stored on them is also property of the Barren County School System. Computers are the property of the Barren County School System and any information stored on them is also property of the Barren County School System.
Students will not engage in any illegal activity including copyright infringement, vandalism, or harassment on the computer. Students will not engage in any illegal activity including copyright infringement, vandalism, or harassment on the computer.
You will be financially responsible for any malicious damage or vandalism that you cause. Vandalism is any attempt to harm or destroy the computer, the operating system, or any applications installed on the computer; or to tamper with another person’s data. You will be financially responsible for any malicious damage or vandalism that you cause. Vandalism is any attempt to harm or destroy the computer, the operating system, or any applications installed on the computer; or to tamper with another person’s data.
You may not alter the setup of any school computers or load programs without the expressed permission of the School Technology Coordinator and/or principal. You may not alter the setup of any school computers or load programs without the expressed permission of the School Technology Coordinator and/or principal.
The network administrators and the District Technology Coordinator have the right to access any information stored in your user directory, in your computer account, or on the current screen. The network administrators and the District Technology Coordinator have the right to access any information stored in your user directory, in your computer account, or on the current screen.
You cannot visit sites that have no educational purpose.
All of your internet traffic of site visits and duration of time on the pages are logged.
You may not knowingly download / upload inappropriate graphics or text from the internet or via .
Accessing audio or video services via the internet without the permission of the teacher and the District Technology Coordinator is strictly prohibited.
You must not access newsgroups, chat rooms, or similar devices.
The use of your school is for educational purposes only. The content of your mail will be randomly checked.
You cannot open, forward, or create chain letters, joke of the day, prayer of the day, or any other form of non- educational .
All third party accounts (i.e. hotmail, yahoo mail, etc.) are prohibited.
You cannot change or add desktop and backgrounds.
You must not attempt to access the network with other user accounts or give your account information to another user. Doing so will result in the immediate loss of your user account and computer privileges.
Your user account, which gives you access to the internet, , and your home folder, may be terminated and privileges taken away if you do not follow these AUP guidelines.