Welcome to the new FBINS academic year! We are looking forward to many fun activities and events for the children and you to enjoy. With your support, we are looking to achieve a target of £10,000 this year. The profits go directly to our children’s experiences and educational support. Take a look at the ‘Diary’ section to see what is coming up. FBINS is now an official Registered Charity ( ). It is an amazing achievement and it is down the support you have shown our events, along with the dedication of your FBINS volunteers and the school’s continuous support. A big THANK YOU to you all. We are now able to look towards more outside fundraising opportunities, which in turn will only aid to improve facilities and educational equipment for our children. Welcome Diary Coffee Morning/Evening Tuesday 30 th September 6-8 pm, Bedonwell Centre Friday 3 rd October 9am, Bedonwell Centre AGM Monday 6 th October 2pm, Bedonwell Centre Pre-Loved Book Sale Friday 10 th October 3pm, Milling Area Pre-Loved Uniform Sale Friday 17 th October 3pm, Milling Area Cake Sale Friday 24 th October 3pm, Milling Area Year 1 Disco Thursday 6 th November pm Tickets on sale soon Ladies’ Pamper Evening Friday 14 th November 7-10pm, Main school hall Coffee Morning/Evening Come along to a FBINS Coffee Morning on Friday 3 rd 9am, straight after drop off, in the Bedonwell Centre, adjacent to the milling area. Like many of us, if you are working parents and are interested in finding out more, we will be meeting up on Tuesday 30 th September between 6–8pm in the Bedonwell Centre. Newsletter Autumn term /9/14 AGM We are holding this year’s AGM on Monday 6 th 2pm in the Bedonwell Centre, adjacent to the Milling Area. We will cover last year’s events and discuss plans for this year’s too. Your ideas and feedback are welcome. Refreshments available. All welcome - feel free to bring your children too. FBINS Registered Charity Does your company support charities? Do they ‘Fund Match’, or can they support us in any other ways? If you are able to find out or pass on a contact that would be wonderful. We are also interested in donations to FBINS for raffle prizes or items that could raise funds. If you can help then please contact Billy Bear on Thank you.
Easyfundraising.org.uk Just visit easyfundraising.org.uk/pta-uk, search for our cause (FBINS Bedonwell Infants & Nursery school) and follow the simple steps to sign up. Then start shopping using the links to over 2,700 retailers, including Amazon, John Lewis, M&S, Argos, Next and more. Every time you shop, you’ll earn a donation to our cause at no additional cost to you! FBINS Facebook page Our ‘FBINS Facebook’ page is now up and running. It keeps you involved and in touch with what’s happening as it happens. To be a member simply send a quick message with your child’s name, class and your address linked to your facebook account and he will invite you to join Diary Continued Non-Uniform Day – Bottles Friday 21 st November Non-Uniform Day – Cakes Thursday 4 th December Christmas Fair Friday 5 th December Starts at 3.25pm Christmas Carol Refreshments Wednesday 10 th December 3pm, Milling Area Cake Sale Thursday 18 th December 3pm, Milling Area Freezer Do you have a freezer or fridge/freezer that you no longer need? We are looking for a tall upright freezer or fridge/freezer, in good condition, to enable us to store ice creams, ice poles and other items we use to help raise funds. If you have one or know of anyone who can help, please contact Ladies Pamper Evening Due to the success of previous years, we are again hosting a ‘Ladies Pamper and Shopping Evening’ on Friday 14 th November between 7-10pm. If you are a Beauty Therapists, Masseur, specialise in nails or have a great product for a Christmas gift and are interested in having a stall please contact with your You are required to have your own Liability insurance. Thank you for supporting your school. Woodland School Our first project is to provide a Story Teller’s Chair and benches for the children. These would be located in the developing woodland area close to the Squirrel. Target £10k