Welcome to the 48-Year Race Enclosed are three entry tickets for you and your supporters. Please have your tickets easy available when you entering the area. When you arrive you shall visit Race Office MOTOCROSS for registration and check of your licens, it’s located in the same area as the Motocross Track and the Motocross paddock. With help of the small sketch enclosed and the signs in the area, we hope you will find your way. RACE OFFICE MOTOCROSS is open from 16:00-20:00 Friday, and 07:30- 08:30 Saturday Technical inspection of your motorcycle(s)and personal safety equipment is mandatory, and it will take place in the Paddock area from 17:00-21:00 Friday evening and 07: Saturday Classes at the 48-Year Race : Class 1.MC: A1-A2, A3,Class OLT -50/50+/60+, MC: B3,B:3A, Class 3A. MC D.1A, Class 3A1: 50cc. Class 3B MC B:1, B:2, C:1, Class 4.JST Open age/50+/60+, MC: B:3B, C:3, D:3. Class 5A.MC:D:1B:4. Class 5A C:2, D:2, Class 6.CETSC -50/50+, MC :E, Class 7. MC Pre 90. Class: Sidecar.MC :SC. Practice Saturday 3 of August Practice Sunday 4 of August Träning Lördag 3:Augusti Träning Söndag 4:e Augusti 09: :20 Klass 1 + 3:125cc + 50cc 09:00 – 09:15 Klass 1+3: 125cc+ 50cc. 09: :40 Klass 3B + 5A + 5B 09:15 – 09:30 Klass OLT/JST 09: :10 Klass CETSC 09:30 – 09:45 Klass 3B+ 5A+5B 10: :40 Klass CETSC+ 7 09:45 – 10:00 Klass 6, -50 CETSC 10:45 – 11:10 Klass 7 EVO 10:00 – 10:15 Klass CETSC 11: :35 Klass SC 10:15 – 10:30 Klass klass 7 EVO 10: :45 Klass SC Drivers Meeting: 11:45 at Race Office Note!!! only Saturday Race 1 SaturdayRace 3 Sunday 12:20 Träning OLT/JST Träning11:45 Heat 1 Klass :125cc 12:50 Heat 1 Klass 1+ 3 :125cc 12:00 Heat 2 Klass OLT 13:05 Heat 2 Klass 3 : 50cc12:20 Heat 3 Klass JST 13:20 Heat 3 Klass 3B:250cc+5A:+5B12.40 Heat 4 Klass 3: 50cc Heat 4 Klass 6: -49 CETSC12:55 Heat 5 klass3B:250cc+5A,5B250/500 13:55 Heat 5 Klass CETSC Heat 6 Klass 6 50 CETSC 14:15 Heat 6 Klass 7 EVO13:30 Heat 7 Klass CETSC 14:35 Heat 7 klass SC 13:50 Heat 8 Klass 7 EVO Paus 14:50-15:10 14:05 Heat 9 Klass OLT 14:25 Heat 10 Klass JST 14:45 Heat 11 Klass SC Race 2 Saturday 15:10 Heat 1 Klass 1+ 3 :125cc 15:25 Heat 2 Klass OLT Heat Heat 3 Klass JST Heat 1 16:05 Heat 4 Klass 3: 50cc 16:20 Heat 5 Klass 3B:250cc+5A:250cc 5B 500cc Heat 6 Klass CETSC 16:55 Heat 7 Klass CETSC 17:15 Heat 8 Klass 7 EVO 17:35Heat 9 Klass SC klart ca 17:50 Prize giving ceremony 48- Års Racet approximately Sunday at Race Office area PM 1 48-Year Race Road to Linköping and Linköpings MS: The way to Linköping: Follow European road 4 (E4) up to Linköping, then follow signs to national road 35 towards Åtvidaberg/Västervik, then the sign Linköpings Motorstadion, which is the race area. The race area Linköpings Motorstadion is just 5 km from the center of Linköping. Check the map at GPS-position Lat N 58,23, Long E 15,43,38.23Lg: E 15º 43' Have your entry-tickets at hand when entering the area. Licens/Personal Insurance: Every driver must have a valid licens/insurance to show at Race Office. Its not possible for the organisation to give out temporary licens for drivers coming outside of Sweden Paddock: The Paddock area opens 10:00 am Thursday The green dashed areas is the Motocross Paddock Note! Red marked road are safety escape roads and must be kept free. If you would like to use one of the few available electrical connections you have to pay 100 skr or 10 euro for the weekend. Sign in and technical inspection: Please go to Race Office and sign in before you go to the inspection with your motorcycle, helmet and backprotection. Race office open Friday 16:00- 20:00.Saturday 07:30-08:30 Technical Inspection Friday 17:00-21:00, Saturday :00. Rider (your)Safety: It is compulsory for the riders to wear leather boots and leather pants( or equivalent material,) ECE/BS approved helmet, with integrated mouth guard, or Jet helmet with separate mouth guard, goggles, back protector, chest protector (under the shirt), gloves and shirt with sleeves covering the full arm length. Please check that your Silencer is in good shape. Check of sound level will be performed.Both at the technical inspection and after the race. Transponder system: We will use AMB MX transponder system all classes. For those of you which not have given yours transponder number in your entry or would like to rent an transponder (10euro) please come back with your transponder number or your need for rental via mail to or via telephone Riding in Paddock area Please don’t ride your bike in the Motocross Paddock, due to safety reasons. Environment: Environmental protection carpet is mandatory during refueling and service. There is an special station in the area for waste oil etc Doping Anti-doping and alcohol-test might will carried out according to FIM anti- doping code SPEAKER ON RADIO: We will send out the speaker voice on FM band 90,5 MHz Food: Breakfast and lunch will be served at a Friday, Saturday and Sunday in the Club house. If you need more information call , fax or Jonny Larsson tel Finally once again Very Welcome to Linköping and a nice and enjoyable motocross weekend On behalf of the organization committee, Clerk of the Course: Stefan Karsk/Jonny Larsson.