Anatomic Reference Systems Describe the location and functions of body parts using: Body planes Body directions Body cavities Body Regions (continues)
Surface Anatomy Anatomical position – hands at side, palms up, feet forward and together. Supine – anatomical position lying face up Prone – anatomical position lying face down
Anatomical Landmarks See page 16
Abdominopelvic Quadrants RUQ RLQ LUQ LLQ Describing areas of concern by clinicians.
Abdominopelvic Regions More precise locations when discussing clinically External landmarks help identify internal organ location. (continues)
Planes Transverse- superior/inferior section (cross-section) Frontal/Coronal – anterior (ventral)/posterior (dorsal) Sagittal – left/right (continues)
Directional Terms Be familiar with terms on P. 19 Let’s practice
Anatomic Reference Systems (continues)
Anatomic Reference Systems (continues)
Body Cavities Ventral Body Cavity (Coelem) Contains most internal organs- rearranges during fetal development Divided into 2 cavities by the diaphragm (flat muscular sheet) Thoracic Abdominopelvic Organs in cavities change shape during various physiological activities. Organs known as viscera Covered by membrane known as visceral layer.
Body Cavities cont. Thoracic cavity 1 Pericardial cavity (heart) 2 pleural cavities (lungs) Membranes: Pericardium (peri-around, cardi-heart) Visceral – covers the heart Parietal – the opposing surface Surrounded by the mediastinum Pleura Visceral covers the lungs Parietal- opposing surface
Body Cavities cont. Abdominopelvic – below diaphragm to the pelvis Abdominal cavity Liver, stomach, spleen, SI, LI Pelvic cavity LI, blader