Intro to Body Systems Notebook Assignment Health Science
Objective At the end of this assignment students will be able to: 1.Identify and define directional and anatomical terms 2.Provide examples of correct use of directional and anatomical terms 3.Apply knowledge to anatomy and physiology of the human body.
Assignment In your class notebook you will complete the following: 1.Define key terms using “Introduction to Body Systems Power Point”. 2.With each definition you will either draw, or cut and past a picture correctly depicting the directional or anatomical term. (You may utilize the magazines that I have left on the counter in the room or print pictures from the internet).
Assignment 3.You will then write an example, in a complete sentence, utilizing the directional or anatomical term correctly. (Do not use the examples listed in the power point. Create your own!) 4.Draw a picture of the abdominal quadrants, and abdomniopelvic regions, and label the different quadrants/regions. 5.List what organs are found in each quadrant. 6.Write a complete sentence utilizing each abdominal quadrant, and a organ found within that quadrant.
Assignment 7.Define the four anatomical body planes, and find pictures and label the pictures to depict the different planes. 8.Find a picture of a person and label the different body cavities correctly. 9.Make sure the room is clean, all paper is picked up and all supplies are returned to the activity center at the end of class.
Directional Terms Superior Inferior Anterior Posterior Medial Lateral Distal Internal External Deep Superficial Plantar Flexion Extension Afferent Efferent Adduction Abduction Eversion Inversion Pronation Supination Palmar
Abdominal Quadrants –RUQ – right upper quadrant –RLQ – right lower quadrant –LUQ – left upper quadrant –LLQ – left lower quadrant
Body Planes –Midsagittal –Transverse –Coronal –Oblique
Body Cavities 1.Cranial Cavity 2. Spinal Cavity (looking through body at spine) 3. Mediastinum 4. Pleural Cavity 5. Pericardial Cavity 6. Diaphragm 7. Abdominal Cavity 8. Pelvic Cavity 9. Abdominopelvic Cavity 10. Anterior (Ventral Cavity)
Due Date This assignment is due at the END of class on Friday September 3, You will place your notebook in your assigned class box. If you have any questions me at