Demand Promotion through Marketing Sanitation Ousseynou Eddje Diop Sr. Sanitary Engineer Water and Sanitation Program Africa
DEMAND-SIDE ISSUES OF SUSTAINABLE SANITATION APPROACHES WASH FORUM – DAKAR, SENEGAL Sanitation Marketing Framework Sanitation Marketing Supply Demand Enabling Environment
DEMAND-SIDE ISSUES OF SUSTAINABLE SANITATION APPROACHES WASH FORUM – DAKAR, SENEGAL Ps of Marketing n Products One that works, meets people’s needs/ wants n Place Bringing product and purchaser together n Promotion “Telling and selling” by whatever works best n Price Both monetary, non-monetary costs to customer Source: “Social Marketing” UNICEF-EAPRO – Bangkok, 1986
DEMAND-SIDE ISSUES OF SUSTAINABLE SANITATION APPROACHES WASH FORUM – DAKAR, SENEGAL Sanitation Marketing Process n Agree on Approach n Learn About the Market n Overcome barriers and Promote Demand n Develop the Right Products n Develop a Thriving Industry n Regulate Waste Transport and Final Disposal/Reuse
DEMAND-SIDE ISSUES OF SUSTAINABLE SANITATION APPROACHES WASH FORUM – DAKAR, SENEGAL Why Demand For Sanitation Matters? n Principal lesson from the IDWSS was progress and continuing success depend most on responding to demand n Supply-driven projects are under-used, poorly maintained, and financially unsustainable n Poor people and marginalized people not often considered by supply-driven program
DEMAND-SIDE ISSUES OF SUSTAINABLE SANITATION APPROACHES WASH FORUM – DAKAR, SENEGAL Definition of Demand For Sanitation “Demand is the felt need expressed by people for a sanitation service or product, which they are willing and able to support with a meaningful contribution” n People should make informed choice based on costs, benefits and risks associated to the demand n Poor and marginalized groups may need to be empowered to be able to express their demand n Contribution (money, time, labor, materials) should empower users as consumers
DEMAND-SIDE ISSUES OF SUSTAINABLE SANITATION APPROACHES WASH FORUM – DAKAR, SENEGAL Demand is at the Core of Marketing Consensus on ApproachProvide financial incentives to motivate demand for sanitation Learn about the MarketUnderstand the drivers of Sanitation Demand Overcome barriers and Promote Demand Support sanitation demand generation strategy and programs Develop Right ProductsSupport technological innovations and development Develop a Thriving IndustryBuild local industry capacity and provide an enabling Environment for PSP Regulate Final DisposalMainstream environmental costs and support activities with high public benefits
DEMAND-SIDE ISSUES OF SUSTAINABLE SANITATION APPROACHES WASH FORUM – DAKAR, SENEGAL Financial Incentives for Sanitation Demand BURKINA FASO: Ouagadougou Strategic Sanitation Program Sanitation Coverage raises from 5% in 1992 to 40% in 2003 – Up 30% subsidy for latrine slabs OUAGA SAN PROGRAM % of total financing % of financing for sewerage % of financing for on-site sanitation % of financing for school sanitation ONEA (sanitation surcharge) Users Maintenance ESAs
DEMAND-SIDE ISSUES OF SUSTAINABLE SANITATION APPROACHES WASH FORUM – DAKAR, SENEGAL Drivers of Sanitation Demand RankBeninKenyaPhilippines 1ConvenienceHygiene Education Cleanness 2PrestigePrivacyCleanness 3safetyImproved health Privacy 4Avoid snakesProject assistance Prestige/Status 5Cleanness-Improved health
DEMAND-SIDE ISSUES OF SUSTAINABLE SANITATION APPROACHES WASH FORUM – DAKAR, SENEGAL Sanitation Demand Strategies and Programs n SENEGAL: PAQPUD –Capacity Building: Introduction of better trained marketers has led to generation of demand from 500 in 2 years to 1’500 per month –Meetings between LGs and Owners to resolve tenure issue –Financing Mechanisms: Term Payments and contribution in Cash and Kind –Combination of Mass Media and Direct Consumer Contact for Demand Generation
DEMAND-SIDE ISSUES OF SUSTAINABLE SANITATION APPROACHES WASH FORUM – DAKAR, SENEGAL Technological choices and Innovations n NIGER: PAUN –Manual of Technology Options: 3 Types of Sanplat, 6 Types of VIP, 3 Types of Pour Flush Toilets, 3 Types of Septic Tanks, 3 types of Soak-away n SENEGAL: PAQPUD –Show-room in each neighborhoods to present prototypes of sanitation facilities
DEMAND-SIDE ISSUES OF SUSTAINABLE SANITATION APPROACHES WASH FORUM – DAKAR, SENEGAL PPP and PSP n BURKINA FASO: Ouaga SAN Program: –Training and accreditation of 450 SSIPs –Partnerships ONEA-SSIPs since 10 years n NIGER: PAUN –Training of 156 SSIPs –Accreditation of 3 building material suppliers –Access to credit for contracted SSIPs –Accreditation of 2 workshops for latrine slabs construction
DEMAND-SIDE ISSUES OF SUSTAINABLE SANITATION APPROACHES WASH FORUM – DAKAR, SENEGAL Public Funds for Public Benefits n SENEGAL: PAQPUD –Menu of technology options, including costs, benefits, service requirement for pit emptying and sludge disposal –Regulation of waste disposal (identification of places for disposal of sludge into the sewerage network) –Construction of 3 sludge disposal plants –Regulation of waste transportation services by LGs
DEMAND-SIDE ISSUES OF SUSTAINABLE SANITATION APPROACHES WASH FORUM – DAKAR, SENEGAL Lessons Learnt on Demand Generation - 1 n Need of lead implementing agency to coordinate and drive the sanitation demand promotion n Technology choices must reflect consumer preference and local conditions ( currently limited, perform poorly, too expensive, not attractive to consumers) n Build capacity of local actors and institutions, including LGs to sustain Demand Promotion and scale up sanitation services and products provision n Facilities’ operation and maintenance requirements and costs influence Sanitation Demand (Supply Chain) n Sanitation Promotion has a cost (Reduce transaction costs)
DEMAND-SIDE ISSUES OF SUSTAINABLE SANITATION APPROACHES WASH FORUM – DAKAR, SENEGAL Lessons Learnt on Demand Generation - 2 n Suppliers must meet Sanitation Demands generated (Consumers need choices) n Sanitation Demand generally takes time to materialize (“Unlocking” Demand) n Financing mechanisms (Access to Credit, Term Payments, etc.) help generate Sanitation Demand n Access to information on Products and Services is critical to demand generation (Informed Choice – Market Segmentation) n Hygiene Promotion help generate Sanitation Demand (Promotion based on consumers motivations)