3.2 Data Portability
Overview Understand the need for data compression and software needed to compress/decompress data. Identify common file types such as jpeg, mpeg, gif, txt, csv, rtf, MP3, MP4, MIDI, pdf, html, zip.
Data compression Using special software to reduce the size of a file. The file is then compressed. At the other end it then needs decompression software to read it. Examples of software include: – Rar – Winzip
File types RTFRich Text FormatAllows users to transfer data between different applications. Opened using a variety of word processing applications. TXTText FileAllows the transfer of text and numbers but will not hold the formatting used. CSVComma Separated VariableUses commas to decide when the data is broken up into list/cells, rows. Imports files directly into a database or spreadsheet.
File types JPEGJoint Photographic Experts Group A compressed graphic format. Popular with web images. MPEGMoving Picture Experts Group A compressed file format for digital video. GIFGraphic Interchange Format A graphics file that supports compressed images.
File types MP3Compressed recordings that leave out the noise not detectable by the human ear. MP4Commonly used to store digital video and digital audio streams. Can also be used to store other data. Allows streaming over the Internet. MIDIMusical Instrument Digital Interface A file extension used to store digital music.
File types PDFPortable Document File Format Used in the crossplatform documents created using the Adobe Acrobat software. HTMLHypertext Markup Language Associated with web page design. ZIPShows that it is a compressed file(s).
Acronyms jpeg mpeg gif txt csv Rtf MP3 MP4 MIDI pdf html Zip ASCII
File extensionMeaningApplication PICT TIFF ASCII Complete the table for each of the following file extensions and add in two of your own. Exercise
Research Choose one graphic Save it as a bmp Then save it as a jpeg Compare how much memory each takes up