Linux overview
Architecture Kernel File system Shell: Korn, Bourne, C, Bash X Windows: Motif, Open Look, X.OrgX.Org Desktop: Gnome, KDE,etc
Characteristics multiuser multitask, multithread concurrency built-in networking (NFS) 32/64 - bit OS UNIX like Intel, Mac, Mainframes
Graphical user interface Visual tour of the GNOME Desktop Desktop System Settings Search local Software Center File Manager Text Editor Terminal
Some applications Internet Firefox Thunderbird gFTP Libre Office Word processor Spreadsheet Presentation Tools Screen capture PDF viewer Graphical editor Calendar/organizer
Linux at the shell prompt You need to open a terminal System prompts Korn, Bash and Bourne Shells: $ C Shell: % (root #) Linux: uses the bash shell Commands login, logout news, passwd, who, finger, talk man (basic help) to interrupt Ctrl-C cat, more
Files and directories File concepts filenames: up to 14 digits, one word including _ and. e.g.: test_program and case sensitive bold is not BOLD types: ordinary, directories, special devices and links pathnames: /home/abento/select.html t common names: usr, users, bin, etc t full and relative Basic file commands in Linux How to obtain a directory listing: ls and ls -al How to create, remove, change to, and present working directory: mkdir, rmdir, cd, pwd. How to copy, move, delete, type: cp, mv, rm -i, cat
Reading a directory output permis links Owner Group size date time filename -rwxr-xr-x 1 abento faculty 95 Aug 2 14:13 UBmail* -rw abento faculty 4294 Mar Wp60 lrwxr-xr-x 1 root sys 42 Aug 3 09:11 SoftWindows -rwx abento faculty Oct 16 17:56 Xdefaults.swin* drwx--x--x 3 abento faculty 512 Aug 21 12:20 ais.dir/ drwxr-xr-x 2 abento faculty 512 Aug 3 09:11 axhome/ drwxr-xr-x 3 abento faculty 512 Sep 18 14:54 dumpster/ -rwx--x--x 1 abento faculty Aug 23 14:00 hcl95.hlp* -rw abento faculty Jun 21 16:05 drwx abento faculty 512 Aug 3 09:11 mail/ -rw abento faculty 957 Jun 16 17:00 osref.books drwxr--r-- 8 abento faculty 512 Aug 3 09:11 pub/ drwx abento faculty 512 Aug 3 09:11 root/ -rw abento faculty 2162 Oct 18 17:09 select.html File type: - ordinary, d directory, l symbolic link, b block, c special character, p piped. Permissions: r read, w write, x execute (O, G,W) an example