MANAGING EFFLUENTS IN PULP & PAPER INDUSTRY Rakesh Uniyal- Valmet, India Heli Karaila- Valmet, Finland
Challenges Ever growing demand for a cleaner environment New norms for effluent discharge New norms for effluent discharge Increase in overall production Costs Decrease in product sales margins Selection of right technology Measurements of various ingredients of effluents Disposal of solid waste Date Author Title©Valmet2
Effluent generation benchmark 11 October, 2015© Valmet | Author / Title3 Short Term Standards
Effluent generation benchmark 11 October, 2015© Valmet | Author / Title4 Long Term Standards
New Norms Norms for Treated Effluent Quality for RCF and Market Pulp Based Pulp & Paper Mills 11 October, 2015© Valmet | Author / Title5 Note: The above effluent discharge norms or effluent norms as prescribed by the concerned State Pollution Control Board, whichever are stringent, will be applicable.
Solutions Optimizing the Pulping & Paper Process -by selecting right technologies in the process -by measuring critical process parametersby measuring critical process parameters -by controlling the process variables based on accurate measurements Optimizing the Effluent treatment process -selecting technology suited to your needs -measuring critical process parameters in ETP -controlling the process and minimizing contaminated content Date Author Title©Valmet6
Measurements in pulping Date Author Title©Valmet7 Consistency management ERIC management Brightness management
Benefits of consistency management Date Author Title©Valmet8 Optimum fibre levels being pumped and hence savings in pumping enegry. Optimized chemical/additive dosing due to accurate incoming consistency Controlled discharge of water Uniform pulp quality Overall increase in process efficiency
DIP consistency measurements Date Author Title©Valmet9
Ash consistency measurement in DIP Date Author Title©Valmet10
Consistency measurement in OCC line Date Author Title©Valmet11
Stock preparation Consistency Date Author Title©Valmet12
Benefits of ERIC and Brightness measurement ERIC measurement at start of process helps to optimize raw material mix. ERIC measurement at floatation stages helps optimize chemical dosage. Brightness measurement at bleaching stages helps to optimize Chemical dosage. Target brightness pulp entering the paper machine and hence no requirements for brightness enhancing additives at machine. Uniform product quality, no fibre damage caused due to excess chemicals, lesser chemicals in effluent. Date Author Title©Valmet13
ERIC & Brightness measurements in DIP Date Author Title©Valmet14
Customer case in India Khanna Paper Mills is an ISO 9001:2000 certified company 320 TPD DIP plant feeding PM-5 was one of the initial priorities for optimization. Major challenges in this DIP were Brightness/ERIC variation and hence rejections Excess chemicals were being used to compensate for Brightness drop. In February 2013 Valmet installed INLINE sensor CORMEC 5 for the measurement of ERIC and Brightness at two stages to start with: -MC-Pump number 1 i.e. before addition of H2O2 -MC-Pump number 2 i.e. before addition of Na2S204 Date Author Title©Valmet15
Reported savings were as: -Reduction of Na2S204 consumption was up to 15% -Reduction in H2O2 consumption was up to 10% -Reduction in Brightness variability was more than 20%. Ink deposition on PM-5 has reduced considerably leading to: -Lesser use of cleaning chemicals -Improvement in physical health of PM-5 with respect to improved felt & rolls life. And finally: lesser chemicals in the effluent Date Author Title©Valmet16
Measurements in Wet-end and Machine area Date Author Title©Valmet17 Freeness control Consistency Control Retention management Chemistry management
Date Author Title©Valmet18
Solutions cont….. Optimizing the Pulping Process -by selecting right technologies in the process -by measuring critical process parametersby measuring critical process parameters -by controlling the process variables based on accurate measurements Optimizing the Effluent treatment process -again.. selecting technology suited to your needs -measuring critical process parameters in ETPmeasuring critical process parameters in ETP -controlling the process and minimizing contaminated content Date Author Title©Valmet19
Waste water treatment plan overview Total Solids, Low Solids, BOD/COD measurements ©Valmet Date Author Title20
Case study-1 Shandong APRIL SSYMB Pulp & Paper, Rizhao Plant phase I is 315,000 ton fine wood pulp annually Plant phase 2 is1,000,000 ton fine wood pulp annually Phase II waste water plant treatment capability is 130,000 ton per day The normal sludge concentration of the sludge mixing tank outlet is 2%~4% Valmet TS sludge concentration transmitter is used for the measurement and the control loop. The final total solids concentration reaches about 40%. It decreases the sludge bulk and water content. It will be more convenient for the sludge storage and the transportation. Date Author Title©Valmet21
Schematic Date Author Title©Valmet22
Case study 2: Stora Enso Anjalankoski Stora Enso’s Anjalankoski paper mill and Inkeroinen board mill in Finland form an integrated mill complex. The customer has utilized the measurements in the bark sludge, primary and mixed sludge lines On-line solids content measurement has enabled them to react to process changes immediately, which is very important in controlling sludge flows. Date Author Title©Valmet23
Technologies utilized In ETP measurements Date Author Title©Valmet24 Microwave Technology for Total Solids
Technologies utilized Microwave Technology Date Author Title©Valmet25
Measurement principle It measures the time of flight of a microwave signal in the sludge. Microwave’s delay time in water vs. total solids = a linear relationship: Microwave delay time (ps) Total solids (%) ©Valmet Date Author Title26
Sludge pumping Thickening Digesting Dewatering Dry cake Applications
Technologies utilized In ETP measurements Date Author Title©Valmet28 Optical Technology low solids in centrate
Low Solids measurement Date Author Title©Valmet29
Strong measurement cell 2 light sources, 6 signals Absorption, back-scattering and depolarization signals 30 Optical measurement from the technology leader ©Valmet Led nir Led v is Led nir / Led vis ref. Polarizer Spiege l Probe BS Linse Spiege l Polarizer
Schematic of Total Solids/ Low Solids ©Valmet Date Author Title31
Summary Date Author Title©Valmet32 Optimizing the pulping process and preventing excessive chemicals going into the effluent. Latest measurements along with controls in the waste water treatment plant will help to optimize the cleaning process.
For further questions please write to: Rakesh Uniyal Pravin Tripathi Date Author Title©Valmet33