Our Creeping Progression to Anaerobic Digestion of Multiple Solid and Sludge Wastes How Regulations, Permitting and Policy are Affecting the Emergence of AD in the U.S.
Regulations Federal Resource Conservation & Recovery Act (RCRA) – Over Arching Federal Regulation; Federal National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) – Clean Water Act; Federal New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) – Clean Air Act; North Carolina 15A NCAC 13B – State Solid Waste Management Rules
MORE Regulations 15A NCAC 13B.0501 APPROVED DISPOSAL METHODS (a) The disposal of solid waste shall be by the following approved methods or any combination thereof: (1) Sanitary landfill; (2) Land clearing and inert debris landfill; (3) Incineration; or (4) Disposal by other sanitary methods which may be developed and demonstrated to be capable of fulfilling the basic requirements of these Rules and which have been approved by the Division.
Permitting ( MORE Regulations) Water Quality, Air Quality & Solidwaste AD can be classified as a solidwaste compost facility and a Treatment and Processing Facility under Solidwaste Regulations and a Residuals Management Facility under Water Quality Regulations. ???? AD discharges require discharge permit(s) AD emissions require Air Quality Permitting AD are subject to local zoning regulations
Permitting (Even MORE ) Water Quality, Air Quality & Solidwaste G.S. 130A-294; 130A ; 130A ; 130A : Solid Waste Composting Permit = The construction and operation of a solid waste composting facility G.S. 130A-294: Solid Waste Treatment & Processing Permit = The construction and operation of a solid waste treatment and processing facility. These permits are for facilities that receive primarily organic wastes to be treated or processed for recycling or reuse in soil or plant related uses. 15A NCAC 2T.1100: Residuals Management Permit = Any treatment, storage, transport, use and disposal of residuals that are generated from wastewater treatment facility, water supply treatment facility or air pollution control facility.
North Carolina SUBCHAPTER 13 – Solid Waste Management Compost Facility - a solid waste facility which utilizes a controlled biological process of degrading non-hazardous solid waste. Treatment and Processing Facility - a facility used in the treatment and processing of solid waste for final disposal or for utilization by reclaiming or recycling.
Impacts of Policy The principal hurdle is……… CO$T Incentives to promote development (The Carrot) Change Regulations (The Stick)