Texts A list of text book suggestions is included in the “digital goody bag”
Films Build up a library with a variety of genres, eras, countries, and directors. Access the film collections of local libraries, film cooperatives, and universities.
Equipment Preference would be a camera with manual overrides on all automatic functions. XLR audio inputs will allow use of better quality microphones. Separate focus ring and iris control. CAMERAS
Equipment High end cameras may have interchangeable lenses. Newer cameras have multiple outputs - Fire wire, DV, HDMI, memory cards, etc. CAMERAS
Equipment No matter what kind of camera - handicam up to professional grade - make sure it comes with a decent tripod. CAMERAS
Equipment Hyper-cardiod or “shotgun” microphones are the preferred instrument for recording production audio. Use with a boom pole and headphones. Omni-directional or handheld mics are good for some situations but can be limiting. Same for lapel mics. Most cameras can be adapted for XLR mic lines. MICROPHONES
Equipment Three point lighting kits can be used in a great variety of lighting situations. Care, attention, experimentation and planning needed to best exploit lighting. Safety first! Natural lighting, ambient lighting and improvisation can accomplish a lot. Reflectors (bought or made) and filters (bought or borrowed). LIGHTS
Equipment Preferred option would be systems like Final Cut, Avid Express, Adobe Premier, Director etc. The “standard feature” software like iMovie ’08 on Macs is fine for most productions. Space becomes an issue, disc space is a must on any computer that will be storing and manipulating video. DVD burning software is also required. EDITING SOFTWARE
Equipment Carrying cases for all gear. Dolly wheels for tripods or (dolly tracks). Homemade “steadycam” system. Monitors. Slates. Digital still cameras for continuity and portfolios. OPTIONAL (BUT HANDY)
Physical Space Filming in the school can be disruptive (and disrupted). Make friends with all office and maintenance staff. Encourage the students to get off campus. Find innovative ways to use and alter classrooms, hallways, gyms etc. Borrow drama dept. gear like lights, costumes, props and stages. Don’t burn any bridges.
Paper Release Forms for actors. Release Forms for locations. “Contracts” for actors. Storyboard blanks. Floor plan blanks. Call sheets.
Professionals Arrange for guest lecturers from the film and television industry. If feasible arrange set, studio, or location visits. Attend local film festivals, premieres and lectures.