Overview of UNFPA Mandates and Programme Joint UNHCR/UNFPA Workshop Collaboration on Demographic Data Collection in Emergencies/IDP Situations 7 February 2007 Geneva Benoit Kalasa, UNFPA Representative Madagascar
UNFPA Mission Statement UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, is an international development agency that promotes the right of every woman, man and child to enjoy a life of health and equal opportunity. UNFPA supports countries in using population data for policies and programmes to reduce poverty and to ensure that every pregnancy is wanted, every birth is safe, every young person is free of HIV/AIDS, and every girl and woman is treated with dignity and respect. UNFPA – because everyone counts.
Mandates of UNFPA Reproductive Health Population and Development Gender
Reproductive Health Safer Motherhood Family Planning Prevention and Management of STI Prevention of HIV Youth/Adolescent needs Sexual/Gender Based Violence
Promoting Gender Equality Women’s empowerment Involving men Attention to girls and adolescents Gender based violence, harmful practices
Population and Development Assist governments to integrate population issues into their planning and policy making for poverty reduction Support national capacity development in data collection and analysis (demographic researches, surveys and censuses) Policy dialogue
Population and Development Census: basis for any other data collection - sampling frame Detailed mapping of population distribution at the lowest level (GIS) Building multi-sectoral database Population projections: basis for any interventions (benchmarks!)
Population and Development Traditional working relationships with a wide range of data producers: civil registration; sectors; village books High level of desegregation and better service delivery (targeting and HRBA to programming)
Population and Development Minimum basic data systems re- established in post-conflict countries Support for assessments of population data systems Rebuilding of the minimum population data systems required for short-term planning
Population and Development Resource mobilization for rebuilding of data collection, analysis and dissemination systems; and Providing relevant demographic data and analysis as part of a coordinated United Nations effort
UNFPA Programming Framework A member of UN Country Team, UNDG ExCom member Harmonized programming approach – CCA, UNDAF, Country Programme, CPAP, AWP Partner with governments, civil society, regional institutions, NGOs, UN partners
Common tools for planning country Programmes have been developed Preparation and Approval Monitoring and Evaluation ANALYSIS: Common Country Assessment (CCA) BUSINESS PLAN: UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) COMMON RESULTS: Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) NATIONAL PRIORITIES/ MDGs Implementation COMMON TOOLS
Milestones of programming Processes CCAUNDAFCPDsX Final UNDAF Eval. Strategies and Planning Monitoring and Analysis Stages Implementation Tools M&E plan Results Matrix JSM Joint Programming CPAP Calendar Sept Yr4Dec Yr4Jan Yr 1 Mar Yr5
Challenges of Humanitarian interventions Capturing humanitarian needs during the key programming stages Priority setting: keeping humanitarian interventions on the development agenda Securing resources Coordination: Government; UN; other Development partners
Challenges of P&D inputs Anticipating availability of information Flexibility and or harmonization of existing methodologies/tools Institutional challenges: leadership role of national institutions Policy dialogue: Seating at the table from beginning
Thank you. Presentation by Benoit Kalasa UNFPA Representative, Madagascar