1 International Association for Official Statistics Conference 2008 New Trends in Data Needs in Official Statistics – The Experiences of Hong Kong
2 Growing Demand for Official Statistics External ForcesInternal Forces Development of official statistics +
3 Globalization Widely mentioned since the late 20 th century Significant growth of international movement of goods, services and capital in the global economy Major external driving force in developing new statistics to meet the emerging statistical needs
4 Globalization (Cont’d) Initiatives in developing new statistics in C&SD: Development of foreign affiliates trade in services statistics Establishment of Pearl River Delta database Enhancement of the population statistics system
5 User-based Culture Users are no longer obscure players nowadays Required to deliver timely output in a comprehensive and interactive way C&SD maintains a balanced statistical programme
6 User-based Culture (Cont’d) Adopted an open and proactive policy in C&SD: Close dialogue with different types of users Maximization of data utility Meeting increasing demand for small area statistics and microdata
7 Rapid Advances in Information and Communication Technology Increasing public expectation on the availability and accessibility of statistics Lower marginal costs of disseminating statistical information electronically The Internet as the most important channel for disseminating statistics
8 Rapid Advances in Information and Communication Technology (Cont’d) Examples of ICT usage in C&SD: Implementation of free download policy Development of new online interactive data dissemination system
9 Future Trends in User Needs of Official Statistics Integration of statistical data at aggregate level Growing demand of integration of data from various sources at local level Moving towards integrating data at a regional and global level Dissemination in the form of integrated databases
10 Future Trends in User Needs of Official Statistics (Cont’d) Rapid development of longitudinal studies Cross-sectional studies not suffice for certain analyses Provide hints on individual-level change over time Operational difficulties in conducting longitudinal studies
11 Future Trends in User Needs of Official Statistics (Cont’d) Increasing demand for comparisons between countries Measuring the relative social and economic well-being of countries Monitoring the incidence of poverty Tracking progress towards the Millennium Development Goals Development of International Comparison Program
12 Future Trends in User Needs of Official Statistics (Cont’d) Helping users in proper uses of statistics User-centric in data dissemination Should promote and help users in proper use and interpretation of statistics
13 Thank you !