What is the future of world population growth? What is the future of world population growth? Is it possible to make an accurate prediction of global population into the next century? Why?
So, how can we make a better world for everyone? o Unless we all have quality of life, will any of us have a high quality of life? o What can nations do together to improve quality of life for all? o (Ch9 Millennium Development Goals).
So, how can we make a better world for everyone? o Millennium Development Goals Presentations. Use some statistics, animations, etc. from o “World in the Balance” (add your answered video questions to your notes for Ch9).
What factors affect a country’s population? o Defining factors affecting the population dynamics of HDC’s vs. LDC’s: o The world’s total fertility rate is 2.45 births per woman, (World Bank Data 2012) m=true&dl=en&hl=en&q=what+is+the+world%27s+total+fertility+rate m=true&dl=en&hl=en&q=what+is+the+world%27s+total+fertility+rate m=true&dl=en&hl=en&q=what+is+the+world%27s+total+fertility+rate o What has happened to countries’ populations in the past 200 years (since the industrial revolution)? o YSojo&sns=em (Past 200 years with Hans) YSojo&sns=em YSojo&sns=em o 6w&feature=channel (Ted talks, population dynamics then and now with Hans ) 6w&feature=channel 6w&feature=channel
Wildcard: Immigration o If an HDC (like US) has a good immigration policy, can it help relieve the stress of a rapidly growing LDC (like India?)? US population is about 0.6% due to births and deaths and another.3% legal immigrants and.3% illegal (or un-naturalized immigrants), doubling our growth to 1.2%. (World Bank Data 2011) US population is about 0.6% due to births and deaths and another.3% legal immigrants and.3% illegal (or un-naturalized immigrants), doubling our growth to 1.2%. (World Bank Data 2011) i.e. If we accept lots of Indian immigrants, will our policy help slow Indian population growth? i.e. If we accept lots of Indian immigrants, will our policy help slow Indian population growth? o Beck, “Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs”