DRAPP08 Monthly Project Meeting Feb08 DRCOG
Final Project Areas ~ 8,000+ sq. miles
Original Project Cost ~ Original Project Areas Acquisition = $872,100 DAT = $79,000 Project Mgmt = $68,700 $1,019,800
Additional Areas Project Cost (DRAFT) ~ Additional Project Areas USGS Science Project $124,400 (includes cost share with Mtn Park Electric area) Mountain Park Electric Project (split cost w/USGS) $19,600 Weld County Project (any cost share interest?) $95,400
Final Project Cost (DRAFT) ~ Original $ 1,020,000 Additional Projects $239,000 TOTAL ~ $1,259,000
Project Website ~
DRCOG Project Mgmt Website ~
BHI Map-based Project Mgmt Website ~
Project Data Formats, etc. ~ The image tiles shall be 3-band natural color in 24-bit GeoTIFF format (version 5) for both 6-inch and 1-foot resolutions. Each image must also have an associated ESRI world file. MrSID format version 2 with associated World Files at a 10:1 compression. Georeferencing information shall also be contained in a separate, but associated World File. JPEG2000 (JP2) format imagery at a 10:1 compression. Georeferencing information shall also be contained in a separate, but associated World File. TIFF with JPEG2000 (JP2) Compressed Imagery (includes the 4th band) for all areas. Raw 12-bit pan-sharpened imagery with geo-referenced centroid in GeoTIFF File Format data covering the Metro Urban Areas (pilot project with CCD) TIFF, MrSID and JPEG2000 images must have a header containing the same information as in the world file. Project participants use a variety of geospatial software in which some utilize the world file and some a GeoTIFF or JP2 header. The image shall register identical in both cases.
Tiling Schemes ~
Interim Imagery & the DNC-related Deliverables ~ 1 physical delivery to USGS of interim imagery USGS volunteering to handle logistics of sharing interim physical product Flight design geared towards removing bldg lean & smears Members sharing data to improve imagery Mountain acquisition will be added by 120-day mark to interim (no physical delivery) OGC-compliant Web Mapping Service (WMS) Consume into your desktop or Web-mapping apps
Project Timeline (DRAFT) ~
Logistical Issues ~ How many TB’s are we talking ??? Next months meeting – focus on infrastructure brainstorming and preparing for the ‘data- storm’ Contact Matt w/your ideas and experiences with LARGE amounts of data distribution
Finalizing your LOI’s & Budget Stuff Mr. Paul Gibbs!