By Tim Ahern Program Manager, IRIS Data Management System Secretary, FDSN 9-11 May 2007 Kiel, Germany The International Federation of Digital Seismographic Networks (FDSN): Building International Collaborations
The FDSN The History of the FDSN FDSN’s Role in International Coordination Membership Goals FDSN Network Data Exchange at many Levels Real Time Data Exchange Distribution of Data Coordination at many scales using standards Overview of the Talk
Raison d’etre In the early 1980s broadband seismology was in its infancy The scientific problem was global Costs were high No one country could build a global network by itself The FDSN was formed to address the above situation Bottoms Up Lead by leaders in seismology This should sound familiar
Coordination of the siting of seismic stations 2000 km spacing in the FDSN Backbone Higher density Regional Networks Establishment of standards in instrumentation 24 bit, 20 sample per second continuous Broadband (World Wide Long Period and World Wide Short Period channels can be derived from a single a stream) Establishment of Data Exchange Formats S.E.E.D. Standard for the Exchange of Earthquake Data Providing Open Access to Data The FDSN Network Promotes Near Real time data access Access to Quality Controlled Data with minimum delay FDSN Goals
Australia, Canada, China(SSB), France, Germany(GRF), Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Soviet Union, United Kingdom, United States (IRIS/USGS) Originally 12 FDSN Members
Australia Austria Brazil Bulgaria Canada Chile China (CSB & CAS) Columbia (Ingeominas & Osso) Costa Rica Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Ecuador Egypt European Union ( ORFEUS ) Finland (Helsinki & Sodankyla) France (Geoscope & ReNaSS) Georgia Germany (GEOFON & GRSN) Greece (NOA, Thessaloniki) Hungary Iceland Indonesia Iran Israel Italy (ING-V & OGS) Jamaica Japan (ERI & NEID) Kazakhstan Macedonia Malaysia Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Norway Poland Portugal (CGUL & IST) Romania Russia Slovakia Slovenia South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Tajikistan Thailand United Arab Emirates United Kingdom USA (IRIS, NCSN, PRSN, SCSN & USGS) Uzbekistan FDSN Membership in institutions in 53 countries Yellow indicates countries that have contributed to the FDSN Archive White indicates countries pending FDSN membership approval
FDSN Network stations 199 at FDSN Archive (IRIS DMC) with 106 in real time 26 contributing networks
IRIS Coordination at Different Scales Weather WMO WIS FDSN Network Global Asian Regional Americas European Regional Africa CanadaUS BrazilChile Germany Italy Spain France Japan ChinaTaiwan S. Africa NigerEgypt Asian/Regional Switzerland Germany Austria Italy France
1522 Stations telemetered in real time from 54 different networks (~6350 channels) Real time data reception: NEIC About 700 stations on a normal day 925 stations & 4237 channels received in the last 60 days
BATS 3days after Real time Archive BUD Buffer of Uniform Data SEEDLink (10) LISS (4) Antelope ORB (27) H2 IC IU CU MB LB US UW UO XXSCER UU AR PR PE ET CC WY NM RE IW IE AT AV KY PE NE Earthworm Waveserver (24) CI II KN LD NN AK AZ KZ IM GT AU EQ MY BK FA TW TA ER NP LI CZ AT PN CD-1 PS MY MS SN PBO CH G MN GE PB CH NL JP NZ PM UK Real Time Data Management Effective Integration into the Existing IRIS Real Time System from 65 Networks
BUD SeedLinkDHILISSautoDRM Real time data distribution
NetDC - based Data Handling Interface - API Web Services WSDL/SOAP/XML REST OGC Web Mapping Services Distributed Request Servicing
Linking Global Data Centers
Shipments by Year from FDSN IRIS
280,000 customized shipments66,000 on-line shipments 16.0 terabytes of observational data (3.9 megabits/second) 1.03 billion time series (31 per second) Shipments from the IRIS DMC
Bottoms up is usually good in drinking and in building organizations Focus on a few key and active players that can really make things happen Data Sharing in Real Time and without restrictions is optimal But develop methods to provide credit Interoperabilty with other Domains is increasingly important Web services and web mapping services Some Thoughts
Thank you for your attention
59 terabytes Data from GSN FDSN JSP US Regional Nets PASSCAL More PASSCAL data than GSN data Current Archive at IRIS 60 terabytes from 93 permanent networks Growing at terabytes per year
Mass Storage System StorageTek Powderhorn 1.2 petabyte capacity Mass Storage System StorageTek Powderhorn 1.2 petabyte capacity Mass Storage System Isilon IQ6000 90 terabyte capacity Storage Capacity
Network Waveforms Events DHI Data Center DHI Clients VASE jWEED SOD Network Waveforms Events DHI Data Center Network Waveforms Events DHI Data Center Network Waveforms Events DHI Data Center IDL Access to Distributed Data Centers IRIS NCEDC SCEDC SCEPP ORFEUS* Memphis Geofone Canada ISC Geoscope ORFEUS Asia MedNet