Beyond 2015 & the SDG Framework Deirdre de Burca Beyond 2015 EU Steering Group.


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Presentation transcript:

Beyond 2015 & the SDG Framework Deirdre de Burca Beyond 2015 EU Steering Group

Beyond 2015  Global civil society campaign,  Pushing for a strong and legitimate successor framework to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)  Created in 2010  Partnership between ‘North’ and ‘the South’  More than 1000 Civil Society Organisations from 132 countries all over the world Civil Society Organisations  56% Southern CSOs and 44% Northern CSOs

Beyond 2015 Structures  The campaign has a number of structures including:structures  Secretariat team (with staff in South Africa, Belgium, the UK and the USA)Secretariat team  Regional Coordinators for Africa, Asia, Latin America, Pacific and EuropeRegional CoordinatorsAfricaAsiaLatin AmericaPacific Europe  National hubs and national lead agencies National hubs and national lead agencies  Beyond 2015 Executive Committee Beyond 2015 Executive Committee  Beyond 2015 UN Working Group (UNWG) Beyond 2015 UN Working Group (UNWG)  Thematic groups - working groups, task forces, thematic focal points Thematic groups

Beyond 2015 EU Taskforce led by a Steering Group currently formed by representatives of: , BOND, CAN Europe, Caritas Luxembourg, CIDSE, CONCORD Sweden, European Environmental Bureau, LAPAS, Plan EU Office, Save the Children, VSO International, World Vision and WWF.  In May 2013, the ETF launched its position on the Post framework "Putting People and Planet First"! Putting People and Planet First

Beyond 2015  Participating organisations – many views regarding the content of a post-2015 framework, but united in working together to achieve : 1. A global, overarching, cross-thematic framework to succeed the Millennium Development Goals, reflecting Beyond 2015’s policy positions. 2. Ensuring the process of developing this framework is participatory, inclusive and responsive to the voices of those directly affected by poverty and injustice

What are the SDGs? In September the world’s governments will agree to a framework of goals and targets for the future sustainable development of the world. This is a ground-breaking and potentially transformative framework, for the first time encompassing the 3 dimensions of sustainable development – economic, environmental and social in one single set of goals and targets, including critical issues of governance, to which all governments will contribute globally and deliver on nationally. The SDG agenda has evolved from a strictly traditional aid and development agenda to one based on international cooperation, justice, solidarity, and environmental sustainability.

Beyond 2015 Red Lines  Universal  Comprehensive  Transformative  Human Rights based approach  Multi-dimensional aspects of poverty  Inequality  Alternative indicators of economic growth  Tackling Climate Change  Participation  Policy coherence for development  Financing for development  Accountability  Global Partnership versus State as Duty-bearer

The Framework  17 Goals  169 Targets  Indicators – March 2016  Means of Implementation – financial and non-financial (eg Overseas Development Assistance, private finance, technology transfer, data collection, policy reform, international regulation, multi-stakeholder partnerships (nb private sector)  Global Partnership,

WHAT NEXT??  After September summit - Beyond 2015 ETF workshop in Brussels in October 2015  Stocktake of the Summit outcomes – the Declaration and the new SD framework  Planning & strategizing for holding duty- bearers (nb EU Member States and EU institutions) to account for implementing the framework.

What Next??  The Beyond 2015 global campaign set to end with the adoption of the post-2015 framework- but real work only just beginning  Implementation at both international and national levels necessary, including within the EU.  Civil society should play a key role in holding duty-bearers – states – as well as other partners (eg private sector) to account for delivering on the framework –”mutual accountability”  Delivery on the goals and targets, but also on the financial and non-financial means of implementation that states need to commit in order to achieve progress across the framework.  Within the EU, civil society must play a role at both national (Member State) level and Brussels level towards EU institutions.  Given the global reach of the EU, focus must be on internal EU policies as well as its external policies and their impact on sustainable development in other parts of the world.

What Next??  SDG Watch  Beyond 2015 Toolbox- particularly important for the national level