Open Source GIS Web Mapping Solutions Sachindra Singh ICT Systems Developer 2010 Pacific Islands Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing User Conference Discussion Session 1.6
Overview SOPAC ICT development initiative to bring together disparate: GIS Data Systems GIS Data Formats SHP Files, MapInfo Files, GML Files, etc Common, Searchable, Scalable Data Platform Singular GIS and Spatial Data Repository
Goals 2 Enhance Data Sharing and Interoperability between: Tools, Workflow, Processes & External third-party Systems Single Data Platform, but Multiple End-User Frontends
Development 3 Common Platform developed using purely OSS components: Data Layer – PostGIS Spatial Extension Different Data Formats converted using OGR (ogr2ogr) and PostGIS (shp2psql) utilities. Data Exposure – OGC Web Services WMS, WFS, WCS - enables any modern desktop or web GIS tool to consume GIS data/layers Data User Interfaces Web Map Interface (Searchable, Bandwidth-aware) Google Earth (KML file generation from Data Layers within the repository) Other potential interfaces (desktop, web, or mobile) can be easily development using OGC Webservices
Discussion 4 What priority does your organisation place on a single GIS data platform and/or enabling data sharing using industry standards such OGC WebServices or Simple Features SQL?