- NASDA Agency Report - Osamu Ochiai NASDA/EORC CEOS/WGISS May 7-10, 2002
Future NASDA…. MEXT decided to unify 3 Japanese Space organizations NASDA, NAL(National Aerospace Laboratory in Japan), and ISAS(Institute of Space and Astronautically Science) to one agency in next few years based on administrative reform ordered by Prime Minister Koizumi. New Japanese Space Agency will start at Jan (TBS).
MOS, JERS, ADEOS: no operation TRMM: operation Aqua (US satellite) /AMSR-E: Successfully launched May 4 th 2002 (run up phase) ADEOS-II: launch Nov ALOS: launch June 2004 GCOM-A1/B1: under study GPM: under study EarthCARE: under study Access point : eos.nasda.go.jp NASDA’s EO satellite schedule
DRTS-W (Data Relay Test Satellite – West): launch Aug IGS (Information Gathering Satellite) : launch two satellites during 2003 (radar and optical satellite) MTSAT: launch 2003/B WEOS (Whale Ecology Observation Satellite System): launch Nov ETS-VIII (Engineering Test Satellite-VIII ): launch 2004 WINDS (Wideband InterNetworking engineering test and Demonstration Satellite): launch 2005 Other related satellite schedule
EO Activity status –Ground System- ADEOS-II and Aqua/AMSR-E ground system are ready for operation. Now in training and initial operation preparation GLI250km, AMSR/AMSR-E, SeaWinds, DCS near real time I/F with NASA/NOAA POLDER and DCS I/F with CNES ILAS-2 I/F with MOE NASA-NASDA Catalogue Interoperability Operation for ADEOS-II and AMSR-E ALOS ground system is now manufacturing phase. Complex observation and acquisition and those requirements Huge data volume (1TB/day) archiving and distribution ALOS Data Node (CNES/ESA, NOAA/ASF, Geoscience Australia) concept/implementation are now discussing Node Interoperability (Level0 data and Catalogue I/F) is investigating.
EO Activity status –R&D- CIP status Need to investigating how to implement (CIP/ODBC, CIP-IMS translator etc) Satellite data Web Map Client and WMS prototype (JERS-1/SAR, ADEOS/AVNIR: High resolution data) (Japanese only … ) New data service investigation in 2002 ISO/TC211, OGC more deep consideration Data Mining Cluster Processing Network QoS
EO Activity status –R&D- WTF in 2002 CEOP Frequently communication with CEOP/Tokyo Univ. Need to organizing project plan and start implementation. Ocean Communication with Tohoku Univ. Need to more discussion. GOFC NASDA-MAFF joint activity for Forest Monitoring Testbed. Plan to enhance Web Mapping Client, WMS and WFS. Outside Demo in Nov. Plenary demo?? Digital Asia Study for project organizing with AIT (leader), Chiba Univ. and Keio Univ. Promoting GIS system in Asia
Others More ISO 9001/14001 enhanced in EO area. Security (both data and network) policy is very strict to access/open NASDA ’ s information.