1 Oakland Unified School District Student Results Policy Report: R-3 Citizenship A presentation to the Board of Education by Brad Stam, Chief Academic Officer Research and Assessment Staff August 13, 2008
2 Student Results Policies R-1: Mega Result/Mission All students will graduate as caring, competent and critical thinkers, fully informed, engaged and contributing citizens, prepared to succeed in college and career. R-2: Academic Achievement All students will 1.read and write by the end of third grade 2.succeed in algebra by the end of ninth grade 3.graduate R-3: Citizenship R-4: Life and Workplace Skills
3 The Resolution of the Board of Education of the Oakland Unified School District Resolution No , R-3 Results Policy on Citizenship, states: Students take responsibility for themselves and for the common good. R-3 Report: Citizenship
4 Accordingly, students will: be productive, contributing members of society practice high ethical standards, demonstrating understanding, respect, affirmation and empathy toward other people and respect for property exercise Constitutional rights and responsibilities be responsible for their own behaviors and recognize the consequences of their individual choices R-3 Report: Citizenship
5 Accordingly, students will: be productive, contributing members of society Students will be present in the community Students will be productively engaged in the community practice high ethical standards, demonstrating understanding, respect, affirmation and empathy toward other people and respect for property exercise Constitutional rights and responsibilities be responsible for their own behaviors and recognize the consequences of their individual choices
6 Student Attendance Data TruantHabitually Truant Chronically Truant Definition Students with 3 or more days of unexcused absences or instances of tardy by 30 minutes or more Students with 5 or more days of unexcused absences or instances of tardy by 30 minutes or more Students with 10 or more days of unexcused absences or instances of tardy by 30 minutes or more Elementary Schools 24%15%6% Middle Schools 87%78%60% High Schools 94%92%86% Percent of students habitually truant, based on OUSD End-of-Year Truancy report
7 Interpretation of the Results Policy Students will be productive, contributing members of society Interpretation Focus Measures of Performance Focus Indicators of Progress Students will be present in the community Habitual truancy rates, by subgroup Decrease in habitual truancy rates among all subgroups Students will be productively engaged in the community Use Your Voice Survey Responses: Elementary and secondary student responses to I get to work with other students to solve problems in my classes. Elementary and secondary student responses to most of my class lessons are interesting and make me want to learn more. Increase in the percent of students reporting productive interactions and interest in class lessons.
8 R-3 Report: Citizenship Accordingly, students will: be productive, contributing members of society practice high ethical standards, demonstrating understanding, respect, affirmation and empathy toward other people and respect for property Students will practice high ethical standards Students will demonstrate respect for property exercise Constitutional rights and responsibilities be responsible for their own behaviors and recognize the consequences of their individual choices
9 Interpretation of the Results Policy students will practice high ethical standards, demonstrating understanding, respect, affirmation and empathy toward other people and respect for property Interpretation Focus Measures of Performance Focus Indicators of Progress Students will practice high ethical standards Elementary and secondary student responses to students at my school are respectful of my cultural background. Elementary and secondary student responses to I have been bullied by other students at my school. Increase in percent of students who agree or strongly agree that students at their school are respectful of their cultural background Increase in the percent of students who disagree or strongly disagree with the statement I have been bullied by other students at my school Students will demonstrate respect for property Parent, principal, elementary and secondary student responses to the bathrooms at my/my childs school are clean most of the time. Parent, principal, elementary and secondary student responses to the buildings and grounds at my/my childs school are clean most of the time. Number of incidents of student vandalism at school sites Increase in the percent of students who agree or strongly agree that their school site is clean. Decrease in the number of incidents of student vandalism
10 R-3 Report: Citizenship Accordingly, students will: be productive, contributing members of society practice high ethical standards, demonstrating understanding, respect, affirmation and empathy toward other people and respect for property exercise Constitutional rights and responsibilities Students exercise rights and responsibilities as per the communitys existing Code of Conduct, or similar document be responsible for their own behaviors and recognize the consequences of their individual choices
11 Interpretation of the Results Policy students will exercise Constitutional rights and responsibilities InterpretationFocus Measure of Performance Focus Indicator of Progress Students exercise their rights and responsibilities in alignment with the communitys Code of Conduct Elementary and secondary student, teacher, principal, and Teacher/Counselor responses to when students do something wrong, they take responsibility for it. Increase in alignment of student rights and responsibilities and student accountability
12 R-3 Report: Citizenship Accordingly, students will: be productive, contributing members of society practice high ethical standards, demonstrating understanding, respect, affirmation and empathy toward other people and respect for property exercise Constitutional rights and responsibilities be responsible for their own behaviors and recognize the consequences of their individual choices
13 Interpretation of the Results Policy students will be responsible for their own behaviors and recognize the consequences of their individual choices InterpretationFocus Measure of Performance Focus Indicator of Progress Students will be responsible for their own behaviors and recognize the consequences of their individual choices Elementary and secondary student, teacher, principal, and teacher/counselor responses to when students do something wrong, they take responsibility for it. Increase in student recognition of and accountability for behavior
14 Data, Targets and Strategies The staff will return to the Board in the school year to provide performance data, describe strategies and establish targets for the school year.